Humm, I think I understand what is the problem... Thanks for your 
confirmation... and advice. Details below:

Our users access to a version of XMLmind which is completely configured, with 
all required addons (.e.g. the FTP virtual drive addon), including our own 

In previous versions of XMLmind, we used to check the option "Install add-ons 
in the XXE installation directory".... so that the add-ons will go to the 
appropriate location when fetched. But it seems that this option is no more 
available in XMLmind 10....

So  instead, we installed the add-ons in some user's preference directory, and 
copied them to XXE installation directory manually. This might explain why 
XMLMind does not "see" the addon during document conversion (although it 
appears in the addons list).

We cannot let end users install the addons themselves, so any other solution is 
welcome :-),

Many thanks for your swift help.

Philippe Nobili
Subsurface Imaging - Product Engineering
Tel: +33 16447 4090 | Mobile: +33 63756 6441

27 avenue Carnot
Massy, 91341 – France

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-----Original Message-----
From: Hussein Shafie <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 3:26 PM
To: nobili, philippe <>
Subject: Re: [XXE] XXE 10.0 - writing file using ftp protocol broken ?

On 6/22/22 09:44, nobili, philippe wrote:
> Dear Mr. Shafie,
> It seems that we are not able to write through ftp protocol after we
> upgraded to  XXE 10.0. When converting our document (to WebHelp
> format) through FTP, we now get this error message: (screenshot)
> If we switch to *XXE 9.4.0* -- using the same proxy settings (“Use
> system settings”) -- the document can be written successfully to the
> same location. The version of the FTP virtual drive plugin is 2.5.0 on
> 9.4.0 and 2.5.0_01 on 10.0.
> That a bit of a blocker for us… we may have missed something though.
> Many thanks as always, for your help and feedback,
I'm sorry but I cannot reproduce this issue using XXE v10.1 (in which the "FTP 
virtual drive plug-in" is version 2.5.0_02; hence slight changes in it compared 
to version 2.5.0_01).

When I do this:


It succeeds with this log:


The only way for me to reproduce the issue you describe is to uninstall the 
"FTP virtual drive plug-in" and restart XXE v10.1, in which case I get the same 
error as you. See:


My suggestions:

[1] Using "Help|Install add-ons", please pninstall the plugin, restart XXE, 
re-install the plugin, restart XXE, just in case.

[2] Make sure that the "FTP virtual drive plug-in" is actually installed and 

[a] Take a look at the dialog boxes displayed by "Options|Install Add-ons", 
"Uninstall" tab and by "Help|About XMLmind XML Editor", "Virtual drive 
plug-ins" section.

[b] Check "File|Use the URL chooser" and then use "File|Folder|Open Folder" to 
browse your FTP directories. May be this will fail and you'll get a better 
error message.

[3] If [1] and [2] fails, then give XXE v10.1 and its "FTP virtual drive 
plug-in" v2.5.0_02 a try.

[4] If [3] fails, please send me privately ( the 
content of the "Help|About XMLmind XML Editor" dialog box. May be I'll see 
something wrong.

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