Side Note: TTC (TrueType Collection) is not a font format, but rather a
collection of the multiple TTF fonts of a single family assembled in one
binary file. It also happens to be Apple’s preferred way to distribute its
system fonts. The discussion above was indeed about the fonts included with
macOS, not those that can be provided via third-party sites.


Philip Taylor <> schrieb am Mo. 30. Okt.
2023 um 22:16:

> Stephen Moye via XeTeX wrote:
> I think you must be looking at either .otf, or updated .ttf fonts (if there 
> is such a thing). The issue under discussion here (as I understand it) is 
> *Apple’s* distribution of .ttc (truetype collection) fonts.
> No earlier mention of .ttc as far as I can tell in this thread, Stephen.
> Anyhow, as a non-user of Apple products, I simply downloaded those version
> that were easily found online.  In practice these turned out to be in .ttf
> and .otf formats.
> --
> *Philip Taylor*

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