is now in xen/scripts
Makefile.kconfig isn't needed anymore.
 xen/tools/kconfig/    | 164 -----------------------------
 xen/tools/kconfig/Makefile.kconfig | 126 ----------------------
 2 files changed, 290 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 xen/tools/kconfig/
 delete mode 100644 xen/tools/kconfig/Makefile.kconfig

diff --git a/xen/tools/kconfig/ b/xen/tools/kconfig/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2208ebbd8c4c..000000000000
--- a/xen/tools/kconfig/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-# ==========================================================================
-# Building binaries on the host system
-# Binaries are used during the compilation of the kernel, for example
-# to preprocess a data file.
-# Both C and C++ are supported, but preferred language is C for such utilities.
-# Sample syntax (see Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.rst for reference)
-# hostprogs-y := bin2hex
-# Will compile bin2hex.c and create an executable named bin2hex
-# hostprogs-y    := lxdialog
-# lxdialog-objs := checklist.o lxdialog.o
-# Will compile lxdialog.c and checklist.c, and then link the executable
-# lxdialog, based on checklist.o and lxdialog.o
-# hostprogs-y      := qconf
-# qconf-cxxobjs   := qconf.o
-# qconf-objs      := menu.o
-# Will compile qconf as a C++ program, and menu as a C program.
-# They are linked as C++ code to the executable qconf
-__hostprogs := $(sort $(hostprogs-y) $(hostprogs-m))
-host-cshlib := $(sort $(hostlibs-y) $(hostlibs-m))
-host-cxxshlib := $(sort $(hostcxxlibs-y) $(hostcxxlibs-m))
-# C code
-# Executables compiled from a single .c file
-host-csingle   := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs), \
-                       $(if $($(m)-objs)$($(m)-cxxobjs),,$(m)))
-# C executables linked based on several .o files
-host-cmulti    := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),\
-                  $(if $($(m)-cxxobjs),,$(if $($(m)-objs),$(m))))
-# Object (.o) files compiled from .c files
-host-cobjs     := $(sort $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),$($(m)-objs)))
-# C++ code
-# C++ executables compiled from at least one .cc file
-# and zero or more .c files
-host-cxxmulti  := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),$(if $($(m)-cxxobjs),$(m)))
-# C++ Object (.o) files compiled from .cc files
-host-cxxobjs   := $(sort $(foreach m,$(host-cxxmulti),$($(m)-cxxobjs)))
-# Object (.o) files used by the shared libaries
-host-cshobjs   := $(sort $(foreach m,$(host-cshlib),$($(
-host-cxxshobjs := $(sort $(foreach m,$(host-cxxshlib),$($(
-host-csingle   := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-csingle))
-host-cmulti    := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cmulti))
-host-cobjs     := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cobjs))
-host-cxxmulti  := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cxxmulti))
-host-cxxobjs   := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cxxobjs))
-host-cshlib    := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cshlib))
-host-cxxshlib  := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cxxshlib))
-host-cshobjs   := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cshobjs))
-host-cxxshobjs := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cxxshobjs))
-# Handle options to gcc. Support building with separate output directory
-_hostc_flags   = $(KBUILD_HOSTCFLAGS)   $(HOST_EXTRACFLAGS)   \
-                 $(HOSTCFLAGS_$(basetarget).o)
-                 $(HOSTCXXFLAGS_$(basetarget).o)
-# $(objtree)/$(obj) for including generated headers from checkin source files
-ifeq ($(KBUILD_EXTMOD),)
-ifdef building_out_of_srctree
-_hostc_flags   += -I $(objtree)/$(obj)
-_hostcxx_flags += -I $(objtree)/$(obj)
-hostc_flags    = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(_hostc_flags)
-hostcxx_flags  = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(_hostcxx_flags)
-# Compile programs on the host
-# Create executable from a single .c file
-# host-csingle -> Executable
-quiet_cmd_host-csingle         = HOSTCC  $@
-      cmd_host-csingle = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) $(KBUILD_HOSTLDFLAGS) -o $@ 
$< \
-               $(KBUILD_HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
-$(host-csingle): $(obj)/%: $(src)/%.c FORCE
-       $(call if_changed_dep,host-csingle)
-# Link an executable based on list of .o files, all plain c
-# host-cmulti -> executable
-quiet_cmd_host-cmulti  = HOSTLD  $@
-      cmd_host-cmulti  = $(HOSTCC) $(KBUILD_HOSTLDFLAGS) -o $@ \
-                         $(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-objs)) \
-                         $(KBUILD_HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
-$(host-cmulti): FORCE
-       $(call if_changed,host-cmulti)
-$(call multi_depend, $(host-cmulti), , -objs)
-# Create .o file from a single .c file
-# host-cobjs -> .o
-quiet_cmd_host-cobjs   = HOSTCC  $@
-      cmd_host-cobjs   = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) -c -o $@ $<
-$(host-cobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c FORCE
-       $(call if_changed_dep,host-cobjs)
-# Link an executable based on list of .o files, a mixture of .c and .cc
-# host-cxxmulti -> executable
-quiet_cmd_host-cxxmulti        = HOSTLD  $@
-      cmd_host-cxxmulti        = $(HOSTCXX) $(KBUILD_HOSTLDFLAGS) -o $@ \
-                         $(foreach o,objs cxxobjs,\
-                         $(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-$(o)))) \
-                         $(KBUILD_HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
-$(host-cxxmulti): FORCE
-       $(call if_changed,host-cxxmulti)
-$(call multi_depend, $(host-cxxmulti), , -objs -cxxobjs)
-# Create .o file from a single .cc (C++) file
-quiet_cmd_host-cxxobjs = HOSTCXX $@
-      cmd_host-cxxobjs = $(HOSTCXX) $(hostcxx_flags) -c -o $@ $<
-$(host-cxxobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/ FORCE
-       $(call if_changed_dep,host-cxxobjs)
-# Compile .c file, create position independent .o file
-# host-cshobjs -> .o
-quiet_cmd_host-cshobjs = HOSTCC  -fPIC $@
-      cmd_host-cshobjs = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) -fPIC -c -o $@ $<
-$(host-cshobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c FORCE
-       $(call if_changed_dep,host-cshobjs)
-# Compile .c file, create position independent .o file
-# Note that plugin capable gcc versions can be either C or C++ based
-# therefore plugin source files have to be compilable in both C and C++ mode.
-# This is why a C++ compiler is invoked on a .c file.
-# host-cxxshobjs -> .o
-quiet_cmd_host-cxxshobjs       = HOSTCXX -fPIC $@
-      cmd_host-cxxshobjs       = $(HOSTCXX) $(hostcxx_flags) -fPIC -c -o $@ $<
-$(host-cxxshobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c FORCE
-       $(call if_changed_dep,host-cxxshobjs)
-# Link a shared library, based on position independent .o files
-# *.o -> .so shared library (host-cshlib)
-quiet_cmd_host-cshlib  = HOSTLLD -shared $@
-      cmd_host-cshlib  = $(HOSTCC) $(KBUILD_HOSTLDFLAGS) -shared -o $@ \
-                         $(addprefix $(obj)/,$($( \
-                         $(KBUILD_HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
-$(host-cshlib): FORCE
-       $(call if_changed,host-cshlib)
-$(call multi_depend, $(host-cshlib), .so, -objs)
-# Link a shared library, based on position independent .o files
-# *.o -> .so shared library (host-cxxshlib)
-quiet_cmd_host-cxxshlib        = HOSTLLD -shared $@
-      cmd_host-cxxshlib        = $(HOSTCXX) $(KBUILD_HOSTLDFLAGS) -shared -o 
$@ \
-                         $(addprefix $(obj)/,$($( \
-                         $(KBUILD_HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
-$(host-cxxshlib): FORCE
-       $(call if_changed,host-cxxshlib)
-$(call multi_depend, $(host-cxxshlib), .so, -objs)
-targets += $(host-csingle)  $(host-cmulti) $(host-cobjs)\
-          $(host-cxxmulti) $(host-cxxobjs) $(host-cshlib) $(host-cshobjs) 
$(host-cxxshlib) $(host-cxxshobjs)
diff --git a/xen/tools/kconfig/Makefile.kconfig 
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d2df760ff28..000000000000
--- a/xen/tools/kconfig/Makefile.kconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# xen/tools/kconfig
-# default rule to do nothing
-# Xen doesn't have a silent build flag
-quiet :=
-Q :=
-kecho := :
-# eventually you'll want to do out of tree builds
-srctree := $(XEN_ROOT)/xen
-objtree := $(srctree)
-src := tools/kconfig
-obj := $(src)
-# handle functions (most of these lifted from different Linux makefiles
-dot-target = $(dir $@).$(notdir $@)
-depfile = $(subst $(comma),,$(dot-target).d)
-basetarget = $(basename $(notdir $@))
-cmd = $(cmd_$(1))
-if_changed = $(cmd_$(1))
-if_changed_dep = $(cmd_$(1))
-# filechk is used to check if the content of a generated file is updated.
-# Sample usage:
-# filechk_sample = echo $(KERNELRELEASE)
-# version.h: FORCE
-#      $(call filechk,sample)
-# The rule defined shall write to stdout the content of the new file.
-# The existing file will be compared with the new one.
-# - If no file exist it is created
-# - If the content differ the new file is used
-# - If they are equal no change, and no timestamp update
-# - stdin is piped in from the first prerequisite ($<) so one has
-#   to specify a valid file as first prerequisite (often the kbuild file)
-define filechk
-       $(Q)set -e;                             \
-       mkdir -p $(dir $@);                     \
-       { $(filechk_$(1)); } > $@.tmp;          \
-       if [ -r $@ ] && cmp -s $@ $@.tmp; then  \
-               rm -f $@.tmp;                   \
-       else                                    \
-               $(kecho) '  UPD     $@';        \
-               mv -f $@.tmp $@;                \
-       fi
-define multi_depend
-$(foreach m, $(notdir $1), \
-       $(eval $(obj)/$m: \
-       $(addprefix $(obj)/, $(foreach s, $3, $($(m:%$(strip $2)=%$(s)))))))
-# LEX
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-quiet_cmd_flex = LEX     $@
-      cmd_flex = $(LEX) -o$@ -L $<
-$(obj)/%.lex.c: $(src)/%.l FORCE
-       $(call if_changed,flex)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-quiet_cmd_bison = YACC    $@
-      cmd_bison = $(YACC) -o$@ -t -l $<
-$(obj)/ $(src)/%.y FORCE
-       $(call if_changed,bison)
-quiet_cmd_bison_h = YACC    $@
-      cmd_bison_h = $(YACC) -o/dev/null --defines=$@ -t -l $<
-$(obj)/ $(src)/%.y FORCE
-       $(call if_changed,bison_h)
-# Set our default defconfig file
-KBUILD_DEFCONFIG := $(ARCH)_defconfig
-# provide our shell
-# provide the host compiler
-HOSTCC ?= gcc
-HOSTCXX ?= g++
-YACC = $(if $(BISON),$(BISON),bison)
-LEX = $(if $(FLEX),$(FLEX),flex)
-# force target
-# include the original Makefile and from Linux
-include $(src)/Makefile
-include $(src)/
-# Add intermediate targets:
-# When building objects with specific suffix patterns, add intermediate
-# targets that the final targets are derived from.
-intermediate_targets = $(foreach sfx, $(2), \
-                               $(patsubst %$(strip $(1)),%$(sfx), \
-                                       $(filter %$(strip $(1)), $(targets))))
-# %.lex.o <- %.lex.c <- %.l
-# <-[ch] <- %.y
-targets += $(call intermediate_targets, .lex.o, .lex.c) \
-          $(call intermediate_targets, .tab.o, .tab.c .tab.h)
-# clean up rule
-clean-deps = $(foreach f,$(host-cobjs) $(host-cxxobjs),$(dir $f).$(notdir 
-clean-shipped = $(patsubst %_shipped,%,$(wildcard $(obj)/*_shipped))
-       rm -rf $(clean-files)
-       rm -rf $(clean-deps)
-       rm -rf $(host-csingle) $(host-cmulti) $(host-cxxmulti) $(host-cobjs) 
-       rm -rf $(clean-shipped)
-$(obj)/zconf%: $(src)/zconf%_shipped
-       cp -f $< $@
Anthony PERARD

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