This functions will be use later to generate asm-offsets.h.

Signed-off-by: Anthony PERARD <>
 xen/scripts/Makefile.lib | 19 ++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/xen/scripts/Makefile.lib b/xen/scripts/Makefile.lib
index e022f053494e..19641e836dc3 100644
--- a/xen/scripts/Makefile.lib
+++ b/xen/scripts/Makefile.lib
@@ -413,29 +413,26 @@ quiet_cmd_xzmisc = XZMISC  $@
 # ASM offsets
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Default sed regexp - multiline due to syntax constraints
+# Default sed regexp
-# Use [:space:] because LLVM's integrated assembler inserts <tab> around
-# the .ascii directive whereas GCC keeps the <space> as-is.
 define sed-offsets
-       's:^[[:space:]]*\.ascii[[:space:]]*"\(.*\)".*:\1:; \
-       /^->/{s:->#\(.*\):/* \1 */:; \
-       s:^->\([^ ]*\) [\$$#]*\([^ ]*\) \(.*\):#define \1 \2 /* \3 */:; \
-       s:->::; p;}'
+       '/^[^#].*==>/{s:.*==>(.*)<==.*:\1:; s: [\$$#]: :; p;}'
 # Use filechk to avoid rebuilds when a header changes, but the resulting file
 # does not
 define filechk_offsets
-        echo "#ifndef $2"; \
-        echo "#define $2"; \
         echo "/*"; \
         echo " * DO NOT MODIFY."; \
         echo " *"; \
-        echo " * This file was generated by Kbuild"; \
+        echo " * This file was auto-generated from $<"; \
+        echo " *"; \
         echo " */"; \
         echo ""; \
-        sed -ne $(sed-offsets) < $<; \
+        echo "#ifndef $2"; \
+        echo "#define $2"; \
+        echo ""; \
+        sed -rne $(sed-offsets) < $<; \
         echo ""; \
         echo "#endif"
Anthony PERARD

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