This patch import part of Kbuild, the build system from Linux v5.3,

File imported:
    scripts/{Makefile.*,Kbuild.include} -> xen/scripts/
    scripts/basic -> xen/scripts/basic
    scripts/mkmakefile -> xen/scripts/Makefile
but without:
- Extra warning (ccflags)
- Support to build modules
- Support to install dtb files

`scripts/basic' is for fixdep, a helper to fix dependencies generated
by gcc, and add Kbuild generated dependencies.

`scripts/mkmakefile' is used for out-of-tree builds.

Also update xen/.gitignore to exclude files generated by Kbuild.

Signed-off-by: Anthony PERARD <>
 xen/.gitignore                   |   4 +
 xen/scripts/Kbuild.include       | 333 +++++++++++++++++++
 xen/scripts/Makefile.asm-generic |  58 ++++
 xen/scripts/       | 528 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 xen/scripts/Makefile.clean       |  90 ++++++
 xen/scripts/Makefile.gcc-plugins |  59 ++++
 xen/scripts/Makefile.headersinst | 102 ++++++
 xen/scripts/        | 164 ++++++++++
 xen/scripts/Makefile.kasan       |  51 +++
 xen/scripts/Makefile.kcov        |  10 +
 xen/scripts/Makefile.lib         | 435 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 xen/scripts/Makefile.ubsan       |  19 ++
 xen/scripts/basic/.gitignore     |   1 +
 xen/scripts/basic/Makefile       |  16 +
 xen/scripts/basic/fixdep.c       | 410 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 xen/scripts/mkmakefile           |  17 +
 16 files changed, 2297 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/Kbuild.include
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/Makefile.asm-generic
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/Makefile.clean
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/Makefile.gcc-plugins
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/Makefile.headersinst
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/Makefile.kasan
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/Makefile.kcov
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/Makefile.lib
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/Makefile.ubsan
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/basic/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/basic/Makefile
 create mode 100644 xen/scripts/basic/fixdep.c
 create mode 100755 xen/scripts/mkmakefile

diff --git a/xen/.gitignore b/xen/.gitignore
index 9fef41a09b47..516bbd459342 100644
--- a/xen/.gitignore
+++ b/xen/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
+# We don't want to ignore the following even if they are dot-files
diff --git a/xen/scripts/Kbuild.include b/xen/scripts/Kbuild.include
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4b0432e095ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/Kbuild.include
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# kbuild: Generic definitions
+# Convenient variables
+comma   := ,
+quote   := "
+squote  := '
+empty   :=
+space   := $(empty) $(empty)
+space_escape := _-_SPACE_-_
+pound := \#
+# Name of target with a '.' as filename prefix. foo/bar.o => foo/.bar.o
+dot-target = $(dir $@).$(notdir $@)
+# The temporary file to save gcc -MD generated dependencies must not
+# contain a comma
+depfile = $(subst $(comma),_,$(dot-target).d)
+# filename of target with directory and extension stripped
+basetarget = $(basename $(notdir $@))
+# real prerequisites without phony targets
+real-prereqs = $(filter-out $(PHONY), $^)
+# Escape single quote for use in echo statements
+escsq = $(subst $(squote),'\$(squote)',$1)
+# Easy method for doing a status message
+       kecho := :
+ quiet_kecho := echo
+silent_kecho := :
+kecho := $($(quiet)kecho)
+# filechk is used to check if the content of a generated file is updated.
+# Sample usage:
+# filechk_sample = echo $(KERNELRELEASE)
+# version.h: FORCE
+#      $(call filechk,sample)
+# The rule defined shall write to stdout the content of the new file.
+# The existing file will be compared with the new one.
+# - If no file exist it is created
+# - If the content differ the new file is used
+# - If they are equal no change, and no timestamp update
+# - stdin is piped in from the first prerequisite ($<) so one has
+#   to specify a valid file as first prerequisite (often the kbuild file)
+define filechk
+       $(Q)set -e;                             \
+       mkdir -p $(dir $@);                     \
+       { $(filechk_$(1)); } > $@.tmp;          \
+       if [ -r $@ ] && cmp -s $@ $@.tmp; then  \
+               rm -f $@.tmp;                   \
+       else                                    \
+               $(kecho) '  UPD     $@';        \
+               mv -f $@.tmp $@;                \
+       fi
+# gcc support functions
+# See documentation in Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.rst
+# cc-cross-prefix
+# Usage: CROSS_COMPILE := $(call cc-cross-prefix, m68k-linux-gnu- m68k-linux-)
+# Return first <prefix> where a <prefix>gcc is found in PATH.
+# If no gcc found in PATH with listed prefixes return nothing
+# Note: '2>/dev/null' is here to force Make to invoke a shell. Otherwise, it
+# would try to directly execute the shell builtin 'command'. This workaround
+# should be kept for a long time since this issue was fixed only after the
+# GNU Make 4.2.1 release.
+cc-cross-prefix = $(firstword $(foreach c, $(1), \
+                       $(if $(shell command -v -- $(c)gcc 2>/dev/null), $(c))))
+# output directory for tests below
+TMPOUT := $(if $(KBUILD_EXTMOD),$(firstword $(KBUILD_EXTMOD))/)
+# try-run
+# Usage: option = $(call try-run, $(CC)...-o "$$TMP",option-ok,otherwise)
+# Exit code chooses option. "$$TMP" serves as a temporary file and is
+# automatically cleaned up.
+try-run = $(shell set -e;              \
+       TMP="$(TMPOUT).$$$$.tmp";       \
+       TMPO="$(TMPOUT).$$$$.o";        \
+       if ($(1)) >/dev/null 2>&1;      \
+       then echo "$(2)";               \
+       else echo "$(3)";               \
+       fi;                             \
+       rm -f "$$TMP" "$$TMPO")
+# as-option
+# Usage: cflags-y += $(call as-option,-Wa$(comma)-isa=foo,)
+as-option = $(call try-run,\
+       $(CC) $(KBUILD_CFLAGS) $(1) -c -x assembler /dev/null -o 
+# as-instr
+# Usage: cflags-y += $(call as-instr,instr,option1,option2)
+as-instr = $(call try-run,\
+       printf "%b\n" "$(1)" | $(CC) $(KBUILD_AFLAGS) -c -x assembler -o 
"$$TMP" -,$(2),$(3))
+# __cc-option
+# Usage: MY_CFLAGS += $(call 
+__cc-option = $(call try-run,\
+       $(1) -Werror $(2) $(3) -c -x c /dev/null -o "$$TMP",$(3),$(4))
+# Do not attempt to build with gcc plugins during cc-option tests.
+# (And this uses delayed resolution so the flags will be up to date.)
+# cc-option
+# Usage: cflags-y += $(call cc-option,-march=winchip-c6,-march=i586)
+cc-option = $(call __cc-option, $(CC),\
+       $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(CC_OPTION_CFLAGS),$(1),$(2))
+# cc-option-yn
+# Usage: flag := $(call cc-option-yn,-march=winchip-c6)
+cc-option-yn = $(call try-run,\
+       $(CC) -Werror $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(CC_OPTION_CFLAGS) $(1) -c -x c 
/dev/null -o "$$TMP",y,n)
+# cc-disable-warning
+# Usage: cflags-y += $(call cc-disable-warning,unused-but-set-variable)
+cc-disable-warning = $(call try-run,\
+       $(CC) -Werror $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(CC_OPTION_CFLAGS) -W$(strip $(1)) -c 
-x c /dev/null -o "$$TMP",-Wno-$(strip $(1)))
+# cc-ifversion
+# Usage:  EXTRA_CFLAGS += $(call cc-ifversion, -lt, 0402, -O1)
+cc-ifversion = $(shell [ $(CONFIG_GCC_VERSION)0 $(1) $(2)000 ] && echo $(3) || 
echo $(4))
+# ld-option
+# Usage: KBUILD_LDFLAGS += $(call ld-option, -X, -Y)
+ld-option = $(call try-run, $(LD) $(KBUILD_LDFLAGS) $(1) -v,$(1),$(2),$(3))
+# ar-option
+# Usage: KBUILD_ARFLAGS := $(call ar-option,D)
+# Important: no spaces around options
+ar-option = $(call try-run, $(AR) rc$(1) "$$TMP",$(1),$(2))
+# ld-version
+# Note this is mainly for HJ Lu's 3 number binutil versions
+ld-version = $(shell $(LD) --version | $(srctree)/scripts/
+# ld-ifversion
+# Usage:  $(call ld-ifversion, -ge, 22252, y)
+ld-ifversion = $(shell [ $(ld-version) $(1) $(2) ] && echo $(3) || echo $(4))
+# Shorthand for $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/ obj=
+# Usage:
+# $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=dir
+build := -f $(srctree)/scripts/ obj
+# Shorthand for $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.modbuiltin obj=
+# Usage:
+# $(Q)$(MAKE) $(modbuiltin)=dir
+modbuiltin := -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.modbuiltin obj
+# Shorthand for $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.dtbinst obj=
+# Usage:
+# $(Q)$(MAKE) $(dtbinst)=dir
+dtbinst := -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.dtbinst obj
+# Shorthand for $(Q)$(MAKE) -f scripts/Makefile.clean obj=
+# Usage:
+# $(Q)$(MAKE) $(clean)=dir
+clean := -f $(srctree)/scripts/Makefile.clean obj
+# echo command.
+# Short version is used, if $(quiet) equals `quiet_', otherwise full one.
+echo-cmd = $(if $($(quiet)cmd_$(1)),\
+       echo '  $(call escsq,$($(quiet)cmd_$(1)))$(echo-why)';)
+# printing commands
+cmd = @set -e; $(echo-cmd) $(cmd_$(1))
+# if_changed      - execute command if any prerequisite is newer than
+#                   target, or command line has changed
+# if_changed_dep  - as if_changed, but uses fixdep to reveal dependencies
+#                   including used config symbols
+# if_changed_rule - as if_changed but execute rule instead
+# See Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.rst for more info
+ifneq ($(KBUILD_NOCMDDEP),1)
+# Check if both commands are the same including their order. Result is empty
+# string if equal. User may override this check using make KBUILD_NOCMDDEP=1
+cmd-check = $(filter-out $(subst $(space),$(space_escape),$(strip $(cmd_$@))), 
+                         $(subst $(space),$(space_escape),$(strip $(cmd_$1))))
+cmd-check = $(if $(strip $(cmd_$@)),,1)
+# Replace >$< with >$$< to preserve $ when reloading the .cmd file
+# (needed for make)
+# Replace >#< with >$(pound)< to avoid starting a comment in the .cmd file
+# (needed for make)
+# Replace >'< with >'\''< to be able to enclose the whole string in '...'
+# (needed for the shell)
+make-cmd = $(call escsq,$(subst $(pound),$$(pound),$(subst 
+# Find any prerequisites that is newer than target or that does not exist.
+# PHONY targets skipped in both cases.
+any-prereq = $(filter-out $(PHONY),$?)$(filter-out $(PHONY) $(wildcard $^),$^)
+# Execute command if command has changed or prerequisite(s) are updated.
+if_changed = $(if $(any-prereq)$(cmd-check),                                 \
+       $(cmd);                                                              \
+       printf '%s\n' 'cmd_$@ := $(make-cmd)' > $(dot-target).cmd, @:)
+# Execute the command and also postprocess generated .d dependencies file.
+if_changed_dep = $(if $(any-prereq)$(cmd-check),$(cmd_and_fixdep),@:)
+cmd_and_fixdep =                                                             \
+       $(cmd);                                                              \
+       scripts/basic/fixdep $(depfile) $@ '$(make-cmd)' > $(dot-target).cmd;\
+       rm -f $(depfile)
+# Usage: $(call if_changed_rule,foo)
+# Will check if $(cmd_foo) or any of the prerequisites changed,
+# and if so will execute $(rule_foo).
+if_changed_rule = $(if $(any-prereq)$(cmd-check),$(rule_$(1)),@:)
+# why - tell why a target got built
+#       enabled by make V=2
+#       Output (listed in the order they are checked):
+#          (1) - due to target is PHONY
+#          (2) - due to target missing
+#          (3) - due to: file1.h file2.h
+#          (4) - due to command line change
+#          (5) - due to missing .cmd file
+#          (6) - due to target not in $(targets)
+# (1) PHONY targets are always build
+# (2) No target, so we better build it
+# (3) Prerequisite is newer than target
+# (4) The command line stored in the file named dir/.target.cmd
+#     differed from actual command line. This happens when compiler
+#     options changes
+# (5) No dir/.target.cmd file (used to store command line)
+# (6) No dir/.target.cmd file and target not listed in $(targets)
+#     This is a good hint that there is a bug in the kbuild file
+ifeq ($(KBUILD_VERBOSE),2)
+why =                                                                        \
+    $(if $(filter $@, $(PHONY)),- due to target is PHONY,                    \
+        $(if $(wildcard $@),                                                 \
+            $(if $(any-prereq),- due to: $(any-prereq),                      \
+                $(if $(cmd-check),                                           \
+                    $(if $(cmd_$@),- due to command line change,             \
+                        $(if $(filter $@, $(targets)),                       \
+                            - due to missing .cmd file,                      \
+                            - due to $(notdir $@) not in $$(targets)         \
+                         )                                                   \
+                     )                                                       \
+                 )                                                           \
+             ),                                                              \
+             - due to target missing                                         \
+         )                                                                   \
+     )
+echo-why = $(call escsq, $(strip $(why)))
+# When a Kconfig string contains a filename, it is suitable for
+# passing to shell commands. It is surrounded by double-quotes, and
+# any double-quotes or backslashes within it are escaped by
+# backslashes.
+# This is no use for dependencies or $(wildcard). We need to strip the
+# surrounding quotes and the escaping from quotes and backslashes, and
+# we *do* need to escape any spaces in the string. So, for example:
+# Usage: $(eval $(call config_filename,FOO))
+# Defines FOO_FILENAME based on the contents of the CONFIG_FOO option,
+# transformed as described above to be suitable for use within the
+# makefile.
+# Also, if the filename is a relative filename and exists in the source
+# tree but not the build tree, define FOO_SRCPREFIX as $(srctree)/ to
+# be prefixed to *both* command invocation and dependencies.
+# Note: We also print the filenames in the quiet_cmd_foo text, and
+# perhaps ought to have a version specially escaped for that purpose.
+# But it's only cosmetic, and $(patsubst "%",%,$(CONFIG_FOO)) is good
+# enough.  It'll strip the quotes in the common case where there's no
+# space and it's a simple filename, and it'll retain the quotes when
+# there's a space. There are some esoteric cases in which it'll print
+# the wrong thing, but we don't really care. The actual dependencies
+# and commands *do* get it right, with various combinations of single
+# and double quotes, backslashes and spaces in the filenames.
+define config_filename
+ifneq ($$(CONFIG_$(1)),"")
+$(1)_FILENAME := $$(subst \\,\,$$(subst \$$(quote),$$(quote),$$(subst 
$$(space_escape),\$$(space),$$(patsubst "%",%,$$(subst 
+ifneq ($$(patsubst /%,%,$$(firstword $$($(1)_FILENAME))),$$(firstword 
+ifeq ($$(wildcard $$($(1)_FILENAME)),)
+ifneq ($$(wildcard $$(srctree)/$$($(1)_FILENAME)),)
+$(1)_SRCPREFIX := $(srctree)/
+# delete partially updated (i.e. corrupted) files on error
+# do not delete intermediate files automatically
diff --git a/xen/scripts/Makefile.asm-generic b/xen/scripts/Makefile.asm-generic
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..82ad63dcd62b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/Makefile.asm-generic
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# include/asm-generic contains a lot of files that are used
+# verbatim by several architectures.
+# This Makefile reads the file arch/$(SRCARCH)/include/(uapi/)/asm/Kbuild
+# and for each file listed in this file with generic-y creates
+# a small wrapper file in arch/$(SRCARCH)/include/generated/(uapi/)/asm.
+PHONY := all
+src := $(subst /generated,,$(obj))
+-include $(src)/Kbuild
+# $(generic)/Kbuild lists mandatory-y. Exclude um since it is a special case.
+ifneq ($(SRCARCH),um)
+include $(generic)/Kbuild
+include scripts/Kbuild.include
+redundant := $(filter $(mandatory-y) $(generated-y), $(generic-y))
+redundant += $(foreach f, $(generic-y), $(if $(wildcard 
+redundant := $(sort $(redundant))
+$(if $(redundant),\
+       $(warning redundant generic-y found in $(src)/Kbuild: $(redundant)))
+# If arch does not implement mandatory headers, fallback to asm-generic ones.
+mandatory-y := $(filter-out $(generated-y), $(mandatory-y))
+generic-y   += $(foreach f, $(mandatory-y), $(if $(wildcard 
+generic-y   := $(addprefix $(obj)/, $(generic-y))
+generated-y := $(addprefix $(obj)/, $(generated-y))
+# Remove stale wrappers when the corresponding files are removed from generic-y
+old-headers := $(wildcard $(obj)/*.h)
+unwanted    := $(filter-out $(generic-y) $(generated-y),$(old-headers))
+quiet_cmd_wrap = WRAP    $@
+      cmd_wrap = echo "\#include <asm-generic/$*.h>" > $@
+quiet_cmd_remove = REMOVE  $(unwanted)
+      cmd_remove = rm -f $(unwanted)
+all: $(generic-y)
+       $(if $(unwanted),$(call cmd,remove))
+       @:
+       $(call cmd,wrap)
+# Create output directory. Skip it if at least one old header exists
+# since we know the output directory already exists.
+ifeq ($(old-headers),)
+$(shell mkdir -p $(obj))
diff --git a/xen/scripts/ b/xen/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2f66ed388d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# ==========================================================================
+# Building
+# ==========================================================================
+src := $(obj)
+PHONY := __build
+# Init all relevant variables used in kbuild files so
+# 1) they have correct type
+# 2) they do not inherit any value from the environment
+obj-y :=
+obj-m :=
+lib-y :=
+lib-m :=
+always :=
+targets :=
+subdir-y :=
+subdir-m :=
+asflags-y  :=
+ccflags-y  :=
+cppflags-y :=
+ldflags-y  :=
+subdir-asflags-y :=
+subdir-ccflags-y :=
+# Read auto.conf if it exists, otherwise ignore
+-include include/config/auto.conf
+include scripts/Kbuild.include
+# The filename Kbuild has precedence over Makefile
+kbuild-dir := $(if $(filter /%,$(src)),$(src),$(srctree)/$(src))
+kbuild-file := $(if $(wildcard 
+include $(kbuild-file)
+include scripts/Makefile.lib
+# Do not include host rules unless needed
+include scripts/
+ifndef obj
+$(warning kbuild: is included improperly)
+ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS)$(need-modorder),)
+ifneq ($(obj-m),)
+$(warning $(patsubst %.o,'%.ko',$(obj-m)) will not be built even though obj-m 
is specified.)
+$(warning You cannot use subdir-y/m to visit a module Makefile. Use obj-y/m 
+# ===========================================================================
+ifneq ($(strip $(lib-y) $(lib-m) $(lib-)),)
+lib-target := $(obj)/lib.a
+real-obj-y += $(obj)/lib-ksyms.o
+ifneq ($(strip $(real-obj-y) $(need-builtin)),)
+builtin-target := $(obj)/built-in.a
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_MODULES)$(need-modorder),y1)
+modorder-target := $(obj)/modules.order
+mod-targets := $(patsubst %.o, %.mod, $(obj-m))
+__build: $(if $(KBUILD_BUILTIN),$(builtin-target) $(lib-target) $(extra-y)) \
+        $(if $(KBUILD_MODULES),$(obj-m) $(mod-targets) $(modorder-target)) \
+        $(subdir-ym) $(always)
+       @:
+# Linus' kernel sanity checking tool
+ifeq ($(KBUILD_CHECKSRC),1)
+  quiet_cmd_checksrc       = CHECK   $<
+        cmd_checksrc       = $(CHECK) $(CHECKFLAGS) $(c_flags) $<
+else ifeq ($(KBUILD_CHECKSRC),2)
+  quiet_cmd_force_checksrc = CHECK   $<
+        cmd_force_checksrc = $(CHECK) $(CHECKFLAGS) $(c_flags) $<
+  cmd_checkdoc = $(srctree)/scripts/kernel-doc -none $<
+# Compile C sources (.c)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Default is built-in, unless we know otherwise
+$(foreach x, i ll lst o s symtypes, $(patsubst %.o,%.$(x),$(real-obj-m))): \
+       part-of-module := y
+modkern_cflags =                                          \
+       $(if $(part-of-module),                           \
+quiet_modtag = $(if $(part-of-module),[M],   )
+quiet_cmd_cc_s_c = CC $(quiet_modtag)  $@
+      cmd_cc_s_c = $(CC) $(filter-out $(DEBUG_CFLAGS), $(c_flags)) 
$(DISABLE_LTO) -fverbose-asm -S -o $@ $<
+$(obj)/%.s: $(src)/%.c FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,cc_s_c)
+quiet_cmd_cpp_i_c = CPP $(quiet_modtag) $@
+cmd_cpp_i_c       = $(CPP) $(c_flags) -o $@ $<
+$(obj)/%.i: $(src)/%.c FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,cpp_i_c)
+# These mirror gensymtypes_S and co below, keep them in synch.
+cmd_gensymtypes_c =                                                         \
+    $(CPP) -D__GENKSYMS__ $(c_flags) $< |                                   \
+    scripts/genksyms/genksyms $(if $(1), -T $(2))                           \
+     $(patsubst y,-R,$(CONFIG_MODULE_REL_CRCS))                             \
+     $(if $(KBUILD_PRESERVE),-p)                                            \
+     -r $(firstword $(wildcard $(2:.symtypes=.symref) /dev/null))
+quiet_cmd_cc_symtypes_c = SYM $(quiet_modtag) $@
+cmd_cc_symtypes_c =                                                         \
+    $(call cmd_gensymtypes_c,true,$@) >/dev/null;                           \
+    test -s $@ || rm -f $@
+$(obj)/%.symtypes : $(src)/%.c FORCE
+       $(call cmd,cc_symtypes_c)
+# LLVM assembly
+# Generate .ll files from .c
+quiet_cmd_cc_ll_c = CC $(quiet_modtag)  $@
+      cmd_cc_ll_c = $(CC) $(c_flags) -emit-llvm -S -o $@ $<
+$(obj)/%.ll: $(src)/%.c FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,cc_ll_c)
+# C (.c) files
+# The C file is compiled and updated dependency information is generated.
+# (See cmd_cc_o_c + relevant part of rule_cc_o_c)
+quiet_cmd_cc_o_c = CC $(quiet_modtag)  $@
+      cmd_cc_o_c = $(CC) $(c_flags) -c -o $@ $<
+# When module versioning is enabled the following steps are executed:
+# o compile a <file>.o from <file>.c
+# o if <file>.o doesn't contain a __ksymtab version, i.e. does
+#   not export symbols, it's done.
+# o otherwise, we calculate symbol versions using the good old
+#   genksyms on the preprocessed source and postprocess them in a way
+#   that they are usable as a linker script
+# o generate .tmp_<file>.o from <file>.o using the linker to
+#   replace the unresolved symbols __crc_exported_symbol with
+#   the actual value of the checksum generated by genksyms
+# o remove .tmp_<file>.o to <file>.o
+cmd_modversions_c =                                                            
+       if $(OBJDUMP) -h $@ | grep -q __ksymtab; then                           
+               $(call cmd_gensymtypes_c,$(KBUILD_SYMTYPES),$(@:.o=.symtypes))  
+                   > $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F:.o=.ver);                                 
+               $(LD) $(KBUILD_LDFLAGS) -r -o $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F) $@               
+                       -T $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F:.o=.ver);                            
+               mv -f $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F) $@;                                      
+               rm -f $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F:.o=.ver);                                 
+       fi
+# compiler will not generate __mcount_loc use recordmcount or
+ifeq ("$(origin RECORDMCOUNT_WARN)", "command line")
+# Due to recursion, we must skip empty.o.
+# The empty.o file is created in the make process in order to determine
+# the target endianness and word size. It is made before all other C
+# files, including recordmcount.
+sub_cmd_record_mcount =                                        \
+       if [ $(@) != "scripts/mod/empty.o" ]; then      \
+               $(objtree)/scripts/recordmcount $(RECORDMCOUNT_FLAGS) "$(@)";   
+       fi;
+recordmcount_source := $(srctree)/scripts/recordmcount.c \
+                   $(srctree)/scripts/recordmcount.h
+sub_cmd_record_mcount = perl $(srctree)/scripts/ "$(ARCH)" \
+       "$(if $(CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN),big,little)" \
+       "$(if $(CONFIG_64BIT),64,32)" \
+       "$(LD) $(KBUILD_LDFLAGS)" "$(NM)" "$(RM)" "$(MV)" \
+       "$(if $(part-of-module),1,0)" "$(@)";
+recordmcount_source := $(srctree)/scripts/
+cmd_record_mcount = $(if $(findstring $(strip 
$(CC_FLAGS_FTRACE)),$(_c_flags)),        \
+       $(sub_cmd_record_mcount))
+__objtool_obj := $(objtree)/tools/objtool/objtool
+objtool_args = $(if $(CONFIG_UNWINDER_ORC),orc generate,check)
+objtool_args += $(if $(part-of-module), --module,)
+objtool_args += --no-fp
+objtool_args += --no-unreachable
+  objtool_args += --retpoline
+ifdef CONFIG_X86_SMAP
+  objtool_args += --uaccess
+# 'OBJECT_FILES_NON_STANDARD := y': skip objtool checking for a directory
+# 'OBJECT_FILES_NON_STANDARD_foo.o := 'y': skip objtool checking for a file
+# 'OBJECT_FILES_NON_STANDARD_foo.o := 'n': override directory skip for a file
+cmd_objtool = $(if $(patsubst y%,, \
+       $(__objtool_obj) $(objtool_args) $@)
+objtool_obj = $(if $(patsubst y%,, \
+       $(__objtool_obj))
+# Rebuild all objects when objtool changes, or is enabled/disabled.
+objtool_dep = $(objtool_obj)                                   \
+             $(wildcard include/config/orc/unwinder.h          \
+                        include/config/stack/validation.h)
+cmd_gen_ksymdeps = \
+       $(CONFIG_SHELL) $(srctree)/scripts/ $@ >> 
+define rule_cc_o_c
+       $(call cmd,checksrc)
+       $(call cmd_and_fixdep,cc_o_c)
+       $(call cmd,gen_ksymdeps)
+       $(call cmd,checkdoc)
+       $(call cmd,objtool)
+       $(call cmd,modversions_c)
+       $(call cmd,record_mcount)
+define rule_as_o_S
+       $(call cmd_and_fixdep,as_o_S)
+       $(call cmd,gen_ksymdeps)
+       $(call cmd,objtool)
+       $(call cmd,modversions_S)
+# List module undefined symbols (or empty line if not enabled)
+cmd_undef_syms = $(NM) $< | sed -n 's/^  *U //p' | xargs echo
+cmd_undef_syms = echo
+# Built-in and composite module parts
+$(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c $(recordmcount_source) $(objtool_dep) FORCE
+       $(call cmd,force_checksrc)
+       $(call if_changed_rule,cc_o_c)
+cmd_mod = { \
+       echo $(if $($*-objs)$($*-y)$($*-m), $(addprefix $(obj)/, $($*-objs) 
$($*-y) $($*-m)), $(@:.mod=.o)); \
+       $(cmd_undef_syms); \
+       } > $@
+$(obj)/%.mod: $(obj)/%.o FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,mod)
+targets += $(mod-targets)
+quiet_cmd_cc_lst_c = MKLST   $@
+      cmd_cc_lst_c = $(CC) $(c_flags) -g -c -o $*.o $< && \
+                    $(CONFIG_SHELL) $(srctree)/scripts/makelst $*.o \
+                           $(OBJDUMP) > $@
+$(obj)/%.lst: $(src)/%.c FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,cc_lst_c)
+# header test (header-test-y, header-test-m target)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+quiet_cmd_cc_s_h = CC      $@
+      cmd_cc_s_h = $(CC) $(c_flags) -S -o $@ -x c /dev/null -include $<
+$(obj)/%.h.s: $(src)/%.h FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,cc_s_h)
+# Compile assembler sources (.S)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(real-obj-m)      : modkern_aflags := $(KBUILD_AFLAGS_MODULE) $(AFLAGS_MODULE)
+$(real-obj-m:.o=.s): modkern_aflags := $(KBUILD_AFLAGS_MODULE) $(AFLAGS_MODULE)
+# .S file exports must have their C prototypes defined in asm/asm-prototypes.h
+# or a file that it includes, in order to get versioned symbols. We build a
+# dummy C file that includes asm-prototypes and the EXPORT_SYMBOL lines from
+# the .S file (with trailing ';'), and run genksyms on that, to extract vers.
+# This is convoluted. The .S file must first be preprocessed to run guards and
+# expand names, then the resulting exports must be constructed into plain
+# EXPORT_SYMBOL(symbol); to build our dummy C file, and that gets preprocessed
+# to make the genksyms input.
+# These mirror gensymtypes_c and co above, keep them in synch.
+cmd_gensymtypes_S =                                                         \
+   { echo "\#include <linux/kernel.h>" ;                                    \
+     echo "\#include <asm/asm-prototypes.h>" ;                              \
+    $(CPP) $(a_flags) $< |                                                  \
+     grep "\<___EXPORT_SYMBOL\>" |                                          \
+     sed 
 ; } | \
+    $(CPP) -D__GENKSYMS__ $(c_flags) -xc - |                                \
+    scripts/genksyms/genksyms $(if $(1), -T $(2))                           \
+     $(patsubst y,-R,$(CONFIG_MODULE_REL_CRCS))                             \
+     $(if $(KBUILD_PRESERVE),-p)                                            \
+     -r $(firstword $(wildcard $(2:.symtypes=.symref) /dev/null))
+quiet_cmd_cc_symtypes_S = SYM $(quiet_modtag) $@
+cmd_cc_symtypes_S =                                                         \
+    $(call cmd_gensymtypes_S,true,$@) >/dev/null;                           \
+    test -s $@ || rm -f $@
+$(obj)/%.symtypes : $(src)/%.S FORCE
+       $(call cmd,cc_symtypes_S)
+quiet_cmd_cpp_s_S = CPP $(quiet_modtag) $@
+cmd_cpp_s_S       = $(CPP) $(a_flags) -o $@ $<
+$(obj)/%.s: $(src)/%.S FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,cpp_s_S)
+quiet_cmd_as_o_S = AS $(quiet_modtag)  $@
+      cmd_as_o_S = $(CC) $(a_flags) -c -o $@ $<
+ASM_PROTOTYPES := $(wildcard 
+ifneq ($(ASM_PROTOTYPES),)
+# versioning matches the C process described above, with difference that
+# we parse asm-prototypes.h C header to get function definitions.
+cmd_modversions_S =                                                            
+       if $(OBJDUMP) -h $@ | grep -q __ksymtab; then                           
+               $(call cmd_gensymtypes_S,$(KBUILD_SYMTYPES),$(@:.o=.symtypes))  
+                   > $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F:.o=.ver);                                 
+               $(LD) $(KBUILD_LDFLAGS) -r -o $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F) $@               
+                       -T $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F:.o=.ver);                            
+               mv -f $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F) $@;                                      
+               rm -f $(@D)/.tmp_$(@F:.o=.ver);                                 
+       fi
+$(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.S $(objtool_dep) FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_rule,as_o_S)
+targets += $(filter-out $(subdir-obj-y), $(real-obj-y)) $(real-obj-m) $(lib-y)
+targets += $(extra-y) $(MAKECMDGOALS) $(always)
+# Linker scripts preprocessor (.lds.S -> .lds)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+quiet_cmd_cpp_lds_S = LDS     $@
+      cmd_cpp_lds_S = $(CPP) $(cpp_flags) -P -U$(ARCH) \
+                            -D__ASSEMBLY__ -DLINKER_SCRIPT -o $@ $<
+$(obj)/ $(src)/ FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,cpp_lds_S)
+# ASN.1 grammar
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+quiet_cmd_asn1_compiler = ASN.1   $@
+      cmd_asn1_compiler = $(objtree)/scripts/asn1_compiler $< \
+                               $(subst .h,.c,$@) $(subst .c,.h,$@)
+$(obj)/%.asn1.c $(obj)/%.asn1.h: $(src)/%.asn1 $(objtree)/scripts/asn1_compiler
+       $(call cmd,asn1_compiler)
+# Build the compiled-in targets
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# To build objects in subdirs, we need to descend into the directories
+$(sort $(subdir-obj-y)): $(subdir-ym) ;
+# Rule to compile a set of .o files into one .a file (without symbol table)
+ifdef builtin-target
+quiet_cmd_ar_builtin = AR      $@
+      cmd_ar_builtin = rm -f $@; $(AR) rcSTP$(KBUILD_ARFLAGS) $@ 
+$(builtin-target): $(real-obj-y) FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,ar_builtin)
+targets += $(builtin-target)
+endif # builtin-target
+# Rule to create modules.order file
+# Create commands to either record .ko file or cat modules.order from
+# a subdirectory
+$(modorder-target): $(subdir-ym) FORCE
+       $(Q){ $(foreach m, $(modorder), \
+       $(if $(filter %/modules.order, $m), cat $m, echo $m);) :; } \
+       | $(AWK) '!x[$$0]++' - > $@
+# Rule to compile a set of .o files into one .a file (with symbol table)
+ifdef lib-target
+$(lib-target): $(lib-y) FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,ar)
+targets += $(lib-target)
+dummy-object = $(obj)/.lib_exports.o
+ksyms-lds = $(dot-target).lds
+quiet_cmd_export_list = EXPORTS $@
+cmd_export_list = $(OBJDUMP) -h $< | \
+       sed -ne '/___ksymtab/s/.*+\([^ ]*\).*/EXTERN(\1)/p' >$(ksyms-lds);\
+       rm -f $(dummy-object);\
+       echo | $(CC) $(a_flags) -c -o $(dummy-object) -x assembler -;\
+       $(LD) $(ld_flags) -r -o $@ -T $(ksyms-lds) $(dummy-object);\
+       rm $(dummy-object) $(ksyms-lds)
+$(obj)/lib-ksyms.o: $(lib-target) FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,export_list)
+targets += $(obj)/lib-ksyms.o
+# NOTE:
+# Do not replace $(filter %.o,^) with $(real-prereqs). When a single object
+# module is turned into a multi object module, $^ will contain header file
+# dependencies recorded in the .*.cmd file.
+quiet_cmd_link_multi-m = LD [M]  $@
+      cmd_link_multi-m = $(LD) $(ld_flags) -r -o $@ $(filter %.o,$^)
+$(multi-used-m): FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,link_multi-m)
+$(call multi_depend, $(multi-used-m), .o, -objs -y -m)
+targets += $(multi-used-m)
+targets := $(filter-out $(PHONY), $(targets))
+# Add intermediate targets:
+# When building objects with specific suffix patterns, add intermediate
+# targets that the final targets are derived from.
+intermediate_targets = $(foreach sfx, $(2), \
+                               $(patsubst %$(strip $(1)),%$(sfx), \
+                                       $(filter %$(strip $(1)), $(targets))))
+# %.asn1.o <- %.asn1.[ch] <- %.asn1
+# %.dtb.o <- %.dtb.S <- %.dtb <- %.dts
+# %.lex.o <- %.lex.c <- %.l
+# <-[ch] <- %.y
+targets += $(call intermediate_targets, .asn1.o, .asn1.c .asn1.h) \
+          $(call intermediate_targets, .dtb.o, .dtb.S .dtb) \
+          $(call intermediate_targets, .lex.o, .lex.c) \
+          $(call intermediate_targets, .tab.o, .tab.c .tab.h)
+# Descending
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PHONY += $(subdir-ym)
+       $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$@ \
+       need-builtin=$(if $(filter $@/built-in.a, $(subdir-obj-y)),1) \
+       need-modorder=$(if $(need-modorder),$(if $(filter $@/modules.order, 
+# Add FORCE to the prequisites of a target to force it to be always rebuilt.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Read all saved command lines and dependencies for the $(targets) we
+# may be building above, using $(if_changed{,_dep}). As an
+# optimization, we don't need to read them if the target does not
+# exist, we will rebuild anyway in that case.
+existing-targets := $(wildcard $(sort $(targets)))
+-include $(foreach f,$(existing-targets),$(dir $(f)).$(notdir $(f)).cmd)
+ifdef building_out_of_srctree
+# Create directories for object files if they do not exist
+obj-dirs := $(sort $(obj) $(patsubst %/,%, $(dir $(targets))))
+# If targets exist, their directories apparently exist. Skip mkdir.
+existing-dirs := $(sort $(patsubst %/,%, $(dir $(existing-targets))))
+obj-dirs := $(strip $(filter-out $(existing-dirs), $(obj-dirs)))
+ifneq ($(obj-dirs),)
+$(shell mkdir -p $(obj-dirs))
diff --git a/xen/scripts/Makefile.clean b/xen/scripts/Makefile.clean
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0b80e3207b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/Makefile.clean
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# ==========================================================================
+# Cleaning up
+# ==========================================================================
+src := $(obj)
+PHONY := __clean
+include scripts/Kbuild.include
+# The filename Kbuild has precedence over Makefile
+kbuild-dir := $(if $(filter /%,$(src)),$(src),$(srctree)/$(src))
+include $(if $(wildcard $(kbuild-dir)/Kbuild), $(kbuild-dir)/Kbuild, 
+# Figure out what we need to build from the various variables
+# ==========================================================================
+__subdir-y     := $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(obj-y)))
+subdir-y       += $(__subdir-y)
+__subdir-m     := $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(obj-m)))
+subdir-m       += $(__subdir-m)
+__subdir-      := $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(obj-)))
+subdir-                += $(__subdir-)
+# Subdirectories we need to descend into
+subdir-ym      := $(sort $(subdir-y) $(subdir-m))
+subdir-ymn      := $(sort $(subdir-ym) $(subdir-))
+# Add subdir path
+subdir-ymn     := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(subdir-ymn))
+# build a list of files to remove, usually relative to the current
+# directory
+__clean-files  := $(extra-y) $(extra-m) $(extra-)       \
+                  $(always) $(targets) $(clean-files)   \
+                  $(hostprogs-y) $(hostprogs-m) $(hostprogs-) \
+                  $(hostlibs-y) $(hostlibs-m) $(hostlibs-) \
+                  $(hostcxxlibs-y) $(hostcxxlibs-m)
+__clean-files   := $(filter-out $(no-clean-files), $(__clean-files))
+# clean-files is given relative to the current directory, unless it
+# starts with $(objtree)/ (which means "./", so do not add "./" unless
+# you want to delete a file from the toplevel object directory).
+__clean-files   := $(wildcard                                               \
+                  $(addprefix $(obj)/, $(filter-out $(objtree)/%, 
$(__clean-files))) \
+                  $(filter $(objtree)/%, $(__clean-files)))
+# same as clean-files
+__clean-dirs    := $(wildcard                                               \
+                  $(addprefix $(obj)/, $(filter-out $(objtree)/%, 
$(clean-dirs)))    \
+                  $(filter $(objtree)/%, $(clean-dirs)))
+# ==========================================================================
+quiet_cmd_clean    = CLEAN   $(obj)
+      cmd_clean    = rm -f $(__clean-files)
+quiet_cmd_cleandir = CLEAN   $(__clean-dirs)
+      cmd_cleandir = rm -rf $(__clean-dirs)
+__clean: $(subdir-ymn)
+ifneq ($(strip $(__clean-files)),)
+       +$(call cmd,clean)
+ifneq ($(strip $(__clean-dirs)),)
+       +$(call cmd,cleandir)
+       @:
+# ===========================================================================
+# Generic stuff
+# ===========================================================================
+# Descending
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PHONY += $(subdir-ymn)
+       $(Q)$(MAKE) $(clean)=$@
diff --git a/xen/scripts/Makefile.gcc-plugins b/xen/scripts/Makefile.gcc-plugins
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5f7df50cfe7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/Makefile.gcc-plugins
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+gcc-plugin-cflags-$(CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_LATENT_ENTROPY)          \
+               += -DLATENT_ENTROPY_PLUGIN
+    DISABLE_LATENT_ENTROPY_PLUGIN += -fplugin-arg-latent_entropy_plugin-disable
+gcc-plugin-$(CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_SANCOV)         +=
+gcc-plugin-$(CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_STRUCTLEAK)     +=
+gcc-plugin-cflags-$(CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_STRUCTLEAK_VERBOSE)      \
+               += -fplugin-arg-structleak_plugin-verbose
+gcc-plugin-cflags-$(CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_STRUCTLEAK_BYREF)                \
+               += -fplugin-arg-structleak_plugin-byref
+               += -fplugin-arg-structleak_plugin-byref-all
+gcc-plugin-cflags-$(CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_STRUCTLEAK)              \
+               += -DSTRUCTLEAK_PLUGIN
+gcc-plugin-$(CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_RANDSTRUCT)     +=
+gcc-plugin-cflags-$(CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_RANDSTRUCT)              \
+               += -DRANDSTRUCT_PLUGIN
+               += -fplugin-arg-randomize_layout_plugin-performance-mode
+gcc-plugin-$(CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_STACKLEAK)      +=
+gcc-plugin-cflags-$(CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_STACKLEAK)               \
+               += -DSTACKLEAK_PLUGIN
+gcc-plugin-cflags-$(CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_STACKLEAK)               \
+               += 
+    DISABLE_STACKLEAK_PLUGIN += -fplugin-arg-stackleak_plugin-disable
+# All the plugin CFLAGS are collected here in case a build target needs to
+# filter them out of the KBUILD_CFLAGS.
+GCC_PLUGINS_CFLAGS := $(strip $(addprefix 
-fplugin=$(objtree)/scripts/gcc-plugins/, $(gcc-plugin-y)) 
+# The is included via CFLAGS_KCOV, so it is removed here.
+# Add the flags to the build!
+# All enabled GCC plugins are collected here for building below.
+GCC_PLUGIN := $(gcc-plugin-y)
+export GCC_PLUGIN
diff --git a/xen/scripts/Makefile.headersinst b/xen/scripts/Makefile.headersinst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1b405a7ed14f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/Makefile.headersinst
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# ==========================================================================
+# Installing headers
+# All headers under include/uapi, include/generated/uapi,
+# arch/<arch>/include/uapi and arch/<arch>/include/generated/uapi are
+# exported.
+# They are preprocessed to remove __KERNEL__ section of the file.
+# ==========================================================================
+PHONY := __headers
+include scripts/Kbuild.include
+src := $(srctree)/$(obj)
+gen := $(objtree)/$(subst include/,include/generated/,$(obj))
+dst := usr/include
+-include $(src)/Kbuild
+# $(filter %/, ...) is a workaround for GNU Make <= 4.2.1, where
+# $(wildcard $(src)/*/) contains not only directories but also regular files.
+src-subdirs := $(patsubst $(src)/%/,%,$(filter %/, $(wildcard $(src)/*/)))
+gen-subdirs := $(patsubst $(gen)/%/,%,$(filter %/, $(wildcard $(gen)/*/)))
+all-subdirs := $(sort $(src-subdirs) $(gen-subdirs))
+src-headers := $(if $(src-subdirs), $(shell cd $(src) && find $(src-subdirs) 
-name '*.h'))
+src-headers := $(filter-out $(no-export-headers), $(src-headers))
+gen-headers := $(if $(gen-subdirs), $(shell cd $(gen) && find $(gen-subdirs) 
-name '*.h'))
+gen-headers := $(filter-out $(no-export-headers), $(gen-headers))
+# If the same header is exported from source and generated directories,
+# the former takes precedence, but this should be warned.
+duplicated := $(filter $(gen-headers), $(src-headers))
+$(if $(duplicated), $(warning duplicated header export: $(duplicated)))
+gen-headers := $(filter-out $(duplicated), $(gen-headers))
+# Add dst path prefix
+all-subdirs := $(addprefix $(dst)/, $(all-subdirs))
+src-headers := $(addprefix $(dst)/, $(src-headers))
+gen-headers := $(addprefix $(dst)/, $(gen-headers))
+all-headers := $(src-headers) $(gen-headers)
+# Work out what needs to be removed
+old-subdirs := $(wildcard $(all-subdirs))
+old-headers := $(if $(old-subdirs),$(shell find $(old-subdirs) -name '*.h'))
+unwanted    := $(filter-out $(all-headers), $(old-headers))
+# Create directories
+existing-dirs := $(sort $(dir $(old-headers)))
+wanted-dirs   := $(sort $(dir $(all-headers)))
+new-dirs      := $(filter-out $(existing-dirs), $(wanted-dirs))
+$(if $(new-dirs), $(shell mkdir -p $(new-dirs)))
+# Rules
+ifndef HDRCHECK
+quiet_cmd_install = HDRINST $@
+      cmd_install = $(CONFIG_SHELL) $(srctree)/scripts/ $< $@
+$(src-headers): $(dst)/%.h: $(src)/%.h $(srctree)/scripts/ 
+       $(call if_changed,install)
+$(gen-headers): $(dst)/%.h: $(gen)/%.h $(srctree)/scripts/ 
+       $(call if_changed,install)
+quiet_cmd_remove = REMOVE  $(unwanted)
+      cmd_remove = rm -f $(unwanted)
+__headers: $(all-headers)
+ifneq ($(unwanted),)
+       $(call cmd,remove)
+       @:
+existing-headers := $(filter $(old-headers), $(all-headers))
+-include $(foreach f,$(existing-headers),$(dir $(f)).$(notdir $(f)).cmd)
+quiet_cmd_check = HDRCHK  $<
+      cmd_check = $(PERL) $(srctree)/scripts/ $(dst) 
$(SRCARCH) $<; touch $@
+check-files := $(addsuffix .chk, $(all-headers))
+$(check-files): $(dst)/%.chk : $(dst)/% $(srctree)/scripts/
+       $(call cmd,check)
+__headers: $(check-files)
+       @:
diff --git a/xen/scripts/ b/xen/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2208ebbd8c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# ==========================================================================
+# Building binaries on the host system
+# Binaries are used during the compilation of the kernel, for example
+# to preprocess a data file.
+# Both C and C++ are supported, but preferred language is C for such utilities.
+# Sample syntax (see Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.rst for reference)
+# hostprogs-y := bin2hex
+# Will compile bin2hex.c and create an executable named bin2hex
+# hostprogs-y    := lxdialog
+# lxdialog-objs := checklist.o lxdialog.o
+# Will compile lxdialog.c and checklist.c, and then link the executable
+# lxdialog, based on checklist.o and lxdialog.o
+# hostprogs-y      := qconf
+# qconf-cxxobjs   := qconf.o
+# qconf-objs      := menu.o
+# Will compile qconf as a C++ program, and menu as a C program.
+# They are linked as C++ code to the executable qconf
+__hostprogs := $(sort $(hostprogs-y) $(hostprogs-m))
+host-cshlib := $(sort $(hostlibs-y) $(hostlibs-m))
+host-cxxshlib := $(sort $(hostcxxlibs-y) $(hostcxxlibs-m))
+# C code
+# Executables compiled from a single .c file
+host-csingle   := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs), \
+                       $(if $($(m)-objs)$($(m)-cxxobjs),,$(m)))
+# C executables linked based on several .o files
+host-cmulti    := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),\
+                  $(if $($(m)-cxxobjs),,$(if $($(m)-objs),$(m))))
+# Object (.o) files compiled from .c files
+host-cobjs     := $(sort $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),$($(m)-objs)))
+# C++ code
+# C++ executables compiled from at least one .cc file
+# and zero or more .c files
+host-cxxmulti  := $(foreach m,$(__hostprogs),$(if $($(m)-cxxobjs),$(m)))
+# C++ Object (.o) files compiled from .cc files
+host-cxxobjs   := $(sort $(foreach m,$(host-cxxmulti),$($(m)-cxxobjs)))
+# Object (.o) files used by the shared libaries
+host-cshobjs   := $(sort $(foreach m,$(host-cshlib),$($(
+host-cxxshobjs := $(sort $(foreach m,$(host-cxxshlib),$($(
+host-csingle   := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-csingle))
+host-cmulti    := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cmulti))
+host-cobjs     := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cobjs))
+host-cxxmulti  := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cxxmulti))
+host-cxxobjs   := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cxxobjs))
+host-cshlib    := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cshlib))
+host-cxxshlib  := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cxxshlib))
+host-cshobjs   := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cshobjs))
+host-cxxshobjs := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(host-cxxshobjs))
+# Handle options to gcc. Support building with separate output directory
+_hostc_flags   = $(KBUILD_HOSTCFLAGS)   $(HOST_EXTRACFLAGS)   \
+                 $(HOSTCFLAGS_$(basetarget).o)
+                 $(HOSTCXXFLAGS_$(basetarget).o)
+# $(objtree)/$(obj) for including generated headers from checkin source files
+ifeq ($(KBUILD_EXTMOD),)
+ifdef building_out_of_srctree
+_hostc_flags   += -I $(objtree)/$(obj)
+_hostcxx_flags += -I $(objtree)/$(obj)
+hostc_flags    = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(_hostc_flags)
+hostcxx_flags  = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(_hostcxx_flags)
+# Compile programs on the host
+# Create executable from a single .c file
+# host-csingle -> Executable
+quiet_cmd_host-csingle         = HOSTCC  $@
+      cmd_host-csingle = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) $(KBUILD_HOSTLDFLAGS) -o $@ 
$< \
+               $(KBUILD_HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
+$(host-csingle): $(obj)/%: $(src)/%.c FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,host-csingle)
+# Link an executable based on list of .o files, all plain c
+# host-cmulti -> executable
+quiet_cmd_host-cmulti  = HOSTLD  $@
+      cmd_host-cmulti  = $(HOSTCC) $(KBUILD_HOSTLDFLAGS) -o $@ \
+                         $(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-objs)) \
+                         $(KBUILD_HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
+$(host-cmulti): FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,host-cmulti)
+$(call multi_depend, $(host-cmulti), , -objs)
+# Create .o file from a single .c file
+# host-cobjs -> .o
+quiet_cmd_host-cobjs   = HOSTCC  $@
+      cmd_host-cobjs   = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) -c -o $@ $<
+$(host-cobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,host-cobjs)
+# Link an executable based on list of .o files, a mixture of .c and .cc
+# host-cxxmulti -> executable
+quiet_cmd_host-cxxmulti        = HOSTLD  $@
+      cmd_host-cxxmulti        = $(HOSTCXX) $(KBUILD_HOSTLDFLAGS) -o $@ \
+                         $(foreach o,objs cxxobjs,\
+                         $(addprefix $(obj)/,$($(@F)-$(o)))) \
+                         $(KBUILD_HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
+$(host-cxxmulti): FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,host-cxxmulti)
+$(call multi_depend, $(host-cxxmulti), , -objs -cxxobjs)
+# Create .o file from a single .cc (C++) file
+quiet_cmd_host-cxxobjs = HOSTCXX $@
+      cmd_host-cxxobjs = $(HOSTCXX) $(hostcxx_flags) -c -o $@ $<
+$(host-cxxobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/ FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,host-cxxobjs)
+# Compile .c file, create position independent .o file
+# host-cshobjs -> .o
+quiet_cmd_host-cshobjs = HOSTCC  -fPIC $@
+      cmd_host-cshobjs = $(HOSTCC) $(hostc_flags) -fPIC -c -o $@ $<
+$(host-cshobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,host-cshobjs)
+# Compile .c file, create position independent .o file
+# Note that plugin capable gcc versions can be either C or C++ based
+# therefore plugin source files have to be compilable in both C and C++ mode.
+# This is why a C++ compiler is invoked on a .c file.
+# host-cxxshobjs -> .o
+quiet_cmd_host-cxxshobjs       = HOSTCXX -fPIC $@
+      cmd_host-cxxshobjs       = $(HOSTCXX) $(hostcxx_flags) -fPIC -c -o $@ $<
+$(host-cxxshobjs): $(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,host-cxxshobjs)
+# Link a shared library, based on position independent .o files
+# *.o -> .so shared library (host-cshlib)
+quiet_cmd_host-cshlib  = HOSTLLD -shared $@
+      cmd_host-cshlib  = $(HOSTCC) $(KBUILD_HOSTLDFLAGS) -shared -o $@ \
+                         $(addprefix $(obj)/,$($( \
+                         $(KBUILD_HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
+$(host-cshlib): FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,host-cshlib)
+$(call multi_depend, $(host-cshlib), .so, -objs)
+# Link a shared library, based on position independent .o files
+# *.o -> .so shared library (host-cxxshlib)
+quiet_cmd_host-cxxshlib        = HOSTLLD -shared $@
+      cmd_host-cxxshlib        = $(HOSTCXX) $(KBUILD_HOSTLDFLAGS) -shared -o 
$@ \
+                         $(addprefix $(obj)/,$($( \
+                         $(KBUILD_HOSTLDLIBS) $(HOSTLDLIBS_$(@F))
+$(host-cxxshlib): FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,host-cxxshlib)
+$(call multi_depend, $(host-cxxshlib), .so, -objs)
+targets += $(host-csingle)  $(host-cmulti) $(host-cobjs)\
+          $(host-cxxmulti) $(host-cxxobjs) $(host-cshlib) $(host-cshobjs) 
$(host-cxxshlib) $(host-cxxshobjs)
diff --git a/xen/scripts/Makefile.kasan b/xen/scripts/Makefile.kasan
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6410bd22fe38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/Makefile.kasan
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+       call_threshold := 10000
+       call_threshold := 0
+CFLAGS_KASAN_MINIMAL := -fsanitize=kernel-address
+cc-param = $(call cc-option, -mllvm -$(1), $(call cc-option, --param $(1)))
+# -fasan-shadow-offset fails without -fsanitize
+CFLAGS_KASAN_SHADOW := $(call cc-option, -fsanitize=kernel-address \
+                       -fasan-shadow-offset=$(KASAN_SHADOW_OFFSET), \
+                       $(call cc-option, -fsanitize=kernel-address \
+                       -mllvm -asan-mapping-offset=$(KASAN_SHADOW_OFFSET)))
+ifeq ($(strip $(CFLAGS_KASAN_SHADOW)),)
+       # Now add all the compiler specific options that are valid standalone
+        $(call cc-param,asan-globals=1) \
+        $(call 
cc-param,asan-instrumentation-with-call-threshold=$(call_threshold)) \
+        $(call cc-param,asan-stack=$(CONFIG_KASAN_STACK)) \
+        $(call cc-param,asan-instrument-allocas=1)
+    instrumentation_flags := -mllvm 
+    instrumentation_flags := -mllvm -hwasan-instrument-with-calls=1
+CFLAGS_KASAN := -fsanitize=kernel-hwaddress \
+               -mllvm -hwasan-instrument-stack=0 \
+               $(instrumentation_flags)
diff --git a/xen/scripts/Makefile.kcov b/xen/scripts/Makefile.kcov
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..52b113302443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/Makefile.kcov
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+kcov-flags-$(CONFIG_CC_HAS_SANCOV_TRACE_PC)    += -fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc
+kcov-flags-$(CONFIG_KCOV_ENABLE_COMPARISONS)   += -fsanitize-coverage=trace-cmp
+kcov-flags-$(CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_SANCOV)         += 
+export CFLAGS_KCOV := $(kcov-flags-y)
diff --git a/xen/scripts/Makefile.lib b/xen/scripts/Makefile.lib
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..41c50f9461e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/Makefile.lib
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Backward compatibility
+asflags-y  += $(EXTRA_AFLAGS)
+ccflags-y  += $(EXTRA_CFLAGS)
+cppflags-y += $(EXTRA_CPPFLAGS)
+ldflags-y  += $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS)
+# flags that take effect in current and sub directories
+KBUILD_AFLAGS += $(subdir-asflags-y)
+KBUILD_CFLAGS += $(subdir-ccflags-y)
+# Figure out what we need to build from the various variables
+# ===========================================================================
+# When an object is listed to be built compiled-in and modular,
+# only build the compiled-in version
+obj-m := $(filter-out $(obj-y),$(obj-m))
+# Libraries are always collected in one lib file.
+# Filter out objects already built-in
+lib-y := $(filter-out $(obj-y), $(sort $(lib-y) $(lib-m)))
+# Determine modorder.
+# Unfortunately, we don't have information about ordering between -y
+# and -m subdirs.  Just put -y's first.
+modorder       := $(patsubst %/,%/modules.order, $(filter %/, $(obj-y)) 
+# Handle objects in subdirs
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# o if we encounter foo/ in $(obj-y), replace it by foo/built-in.a
+#   and add the directory to the list of dirs to descend into: $(subdir-y)
+# o if we encounter foo/ in $(obj-m), remove it from $(obj-m)
+#   and add the directory to the list of dirs to descend into: $(subdir-m)
+__subdir-y     := $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(obj-y)))
+subdir-y       += $(__subdir-y)
+__subdir-m     := $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(obj-m)))
+subdir-m       += $(__subdir-m)
+obj-y          := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.a, $(obj-y))
+obj-m          := $(filter-out %/, $(obj-m))
+# Subdirectories we need to descend into
+subdir-ym      := $(sort $(subdir-y) $(subdir-m))
+# if $(foo-objs), $(foo-y), or $(foo-m) exists, foo.o is a composite object
+multi-used-y := $(sort $(foreach m,$(obj-y), $(if $(strip $($(m:.o=-objs)) 
$($(m:.o=-y))), $(m))))
+multi-used-m := $(sort $(foreach m,$(obj-m), $(if $(strip $($(m:.o=-objs)) 
$($(m:.o=-y)) $($(m:.o=-m))), $(m))))
+multi-used   := $(multi-used-y) $(multi-used-m)
+# $(subdir-obj-y) is the list of objects in $(obj-y) which uses dir/ to
+# tell kbuild to descend
+subdir-obj-y := $(filter %/built-in.a, $(obj-y))
+# Replace multi-part objects by their individual parts,
+# including built-in.a from subdirectories
+real-obj-y := $(foreach m, $(obj-y), $(if $(strip $($(m:.o=-objs)) 
$($(m:.o=-y))),$($(m:.o=-objs)) $($(m:.o=-y)),$(m)))
+real-obj-m := $(foreach m, $(obj-m), $(if $(strip $($(m:.o=-objs)) 
$($(m:.o=-y)) $($(m:.o=-m))),$($(m:.o=-objs)) $($(m:.o=-y)) $($(m:.o=-m)),$(m)))
+# DTB
+# If CONFIG_OF_ALL_DTBS is enabled, all DT blobs are built
+extra-y                                += $(dtb-y)
+extra-$(CONFIG_OF_ALL_DTBS)    += $(dtb-)
+ifneq ($(CHECK_DTBS),)
+extra-y += $(patsubst %.dtb,%.dt.yaml, $(dtb-y))
+extra-$(CONFIG_OF_ALL_DTBS) += $(patsubst %.dtb,%.dt.yaml, $(dtb-))
+# Test self-contained headers
+# Wildcard searches in $(srctree)/$(src)/, but not in $(objtree)/$(obj)/.
+# Stale generated headers are often left over, so pattern matching should
+# be avoided. Please notice $(srctree)/$(src)/ and $(objtree)/$(obj) point
+# to the same location for in-tree building. So, header-test-pattern-y should
+# be used with care.
+header-test-y  += $(filter-out $(header-test-), \
+               $(patsubst $(srctree)/$(src)/%, %, \
+               $(wildcard $(addprefix $(srctree)/$(src)/, \
+               $(header-test-pattern-y)))))
+extra-$(CONFIG_HEADER_TEST) += $(addsuffix .s, $(header-test-y) 
+# Add subdir path
+extra-y                := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(extra-y))
+always         := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(always))
+targets                := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(targets))
+modorder       := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(modorder))
+obj-m          := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(obj-m))
+lib-y          := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(lib-y))
+subdir-obj-y   := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(subdir-obj-y))
+real-obj-y     := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(real-obj-y))
+real-obj-m     := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(real-obj-m))
+multi-used-m   := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(multi-used-m))
+subdir-ym      := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(subdir-ym))
+# Finds the multi-part object the current object will be linked into.
+# If the object belongs to two or more multi-part objects, all of them are
+# concatenated with a colon separator.
+modname-multi = $(subst $(space),:,$(sort $(foreach m,$(multi-used),\
+               $(if $(filter $*.o, $($(m:.o=-objs)) $($(m:.o=-y)) 
+modname = $(if $(modname-multi),$(modname-multi),$(basetarget))
+# These flags are needed for modversions and compiling, so we define them here
+# $(modname_flags) defines KBUILD_MODNAME as the name of the module it will
+# end up in (or would, if it gets compiled in)
+name-fix = $(squote)$(quote)$(subst $(comma),_,$(subst 
+basename_flags = -DKBUILD_BASENAME=$(call name-fix,$(basetarget))
+modname_flags  = -DKBUILD_MODNAME=$(call name-fix,$(modname))
+orig_c_flags   = $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(KBUILD_CFLAGS) \
+                 $(ccflags-y) $(CFLAGS_$(basetarget).o)
+_c_flags       = $(filter-out $(CFLAGS_REMOVE_$(basetarget).o), 
+orig_a_flags   = $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(KBUILD_AFLAGS) \
+                 $(asflags-y) $(AFLAGS_$(basetarget).o)
+_a_flags       = $(filter-out $(AFLAGS_REMOVE_$(basetarget).o), 
+_cpp_flags     = $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(cppflags-y) $(CPPFLAGS_$(@F))
+# Enable gcov profiling flags for a file, directory or for all files depending
+# (in this order)
+_c_flags += $(if $(patsubst n%,, \
+               $(CFLAGS_GCOV))
+# Enable address sanitizer flags for kernel except some files or directories
+# we don't want to check (depends on variables KASAN_SANITIZE_obj.o, 
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_KASAN),y)
+_c_flags += $(if $(patsubst n%,, \
+               $(KASAN_SANITIZE_$(basetarget).o)$(KASAN_SANITIZE)y), \
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_UBSAN),y)
+_c_flags += $(if $(patsubst n%,, \
+               $(CFLAGS_UBSAN))
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_KCOV),y)
+_c_flags += $(if $(patsubst n%,, \
+       $(CFLAGS_KCOV))
+# $(srctree)/$(src) for including checkin headers from generated source files
+# $(objtree)/$(obj) for including generated headers from checkin source files
+ifeq ($(KBUILD_EXTMOD),)
+ifdef building_out_of_srctree
+_c_flags   += -I $(srctree)/$(src) -I $(objtree)/$(obj)
+_a_flags   += -I $(srctree)/$(src) -I $(objtree)/$(obj)
+_cpp_flags += -I $(srctree)/$(src) -I $(objtree)/$(obj)
+c_flags        = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(NOSTDINC_FLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE)     \
+                -include $(srctree)/include/linux/compiler_types.h       \
+                $(_c_flags) $(modkern_cflags)                           \
+                $(basename_flags) $(modname_flags)
+a_flags        = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(NOSTDINC_FLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE)     \
+                $(_a_flags) $(modkern_aflags)
+cpp_flags      = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(NOSTDINC_FLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE)     \
+                $(_cpp_flags)
+ld_flags       = $(KBUILD_LDFLAGS) $(ldflags-y) $(LDFLAGS_$(@F))
+DTC_INCLUDE    := $(srctree)/scripts/dtc/include-prefixes
+dtc_cpp_flags  = -Wp,-MD,$(depfile).pre.tmp -nostdinc                    \
+                $(addprefix -I,$(DTC_INCLUDE))                          \
+                -undef -D__DTS__
+# Useful for describing the dependency of composite objects
+# Usage:
+#   $(call multi_depend, multi_used_targets, suffix_to_remove, suffix_to_add)
+define multi_depend
+$(foreach m, $(notdir $1), \
+       $(eval $(obj)/$m: \
+       $(addprefix $(obj)/, $(foreach s, $3, $($(m:%$(strip $2)=%$(s)))))))
+# LEX
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+quiet_cmd_flex = LEX     $@
+      cmd_flex = $(LEX) -o$@ -L $<
+$(obj)/%.lex.c: $(src)/%.l FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,flex)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+quiet_cmd_bison = YACC    $@
+      cmd_bison = $(YACC) -o$@ -t -l $<
+$(obj)/ $(src)/%.y FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,bison)
+quiet_cmd_bison_h = YACC    $@
+      cmd_bison_h = $(YACC) -o/dev/null --defines=$@ -t -l $<
+$(obj)/ $(src)/%.y FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,bison_h)
+# Shipped files
+# ===========================================================================
+quiet_cmd_shipped = SHIPPED $@
+cmd_shipped = cat $< > $@
+$(obj)/%: $(src)/%_shipped
+       $(call cmd,shipped)
+# Commands useful for building a boot image
+# ===========================================================================
+#      Use as following:
+#      target: source(s) FORCE
+#              $(if_changed,ld/objcopy/gzip)
+#      and add target to extra-y so that we know we have to
+#      read in the saved command line
+# Linking
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+quiet_cmd_ld = LD      $@
+      cmd_ld = $(LD) $(ld_flags) $(real-prereqs) -o $@
+# Archive
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+quiet_cmd_ar = AR      $@
+      cmd_ar = rm -f $@; $(AR) rcsTP$(KBUILD_ARFLAGS) $@ $(real-prereqs)
+# Objcopy
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+quiet_cmd_objcopy = OBJCOPY $@
+cmd_objcopy = $(OBJCOPY) $(OBJCOPYFLAGS) $(OBJCOPYFLAGS_$(@F)) $< $@
+# Gzip
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+quiet_cmd_gzip = GZIP    $@
+      cmd_gzip = cat $(real-prereqs) | gzip -n -f -9 > $@
+# DTC
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+DTC ?= $(objtree)/scripts/dtc/dtc
+# Disable noisy checks by default
+ifeq ($(findstring 1,$(KBUILD_ENABLE_EXTRA_GCC_CHECKS)),)
+DTC_FLAGS += -Wno-unit_address_vs_reg \
+       -Wno-unit_address_format \
+       -Wno-avoid_unnecessary_addr_size \
+       -Wno-alias_paths \
+       -Wno-graph_child_address \
+       -Wno-simple_bus_reg \
+       -Wno-unique_unit_address \
+       -Wno-pci_device_reg
+ifneq ($(findstring 2,$(KBUILD_ENABLE_EXTRA_GCC_CHECKS)),)
+DTC_FLAGS += -Wnode_name_chars_strict \
+       -Wproperty_name_chars_strict
+DTC_FLAGS += $(DTC_FLAGS_$(basetarget))
+# Generate an assembly file to wrap the output of the device tree compiler
+quiet_cmd_dt_S_dtb= DTB     $@
+cmd_dt_S_dtb=                                          \
+{                                                      \
+       echo '\#include <asm-generic/>';   \
+       echo '.section .dtb.init.rodata,"a"';           \
+       echo '.balign STRUCT_ALIGNMENT';                \
+       echo '.global __dtb_$(subst -,_,$(*F))_begin';  \
+       echo '__dtb_$(subst -,_,$(*F))_begin:';         \
+       echo '.incbin "$<" ';                           \
+       echo '__dtb_$(subst -,_,$(*F))_end:';           \
+       echo '.global __dtb_$(subst -,_,$(*F))_end';    \
+       echo '.balign STRUCT_ALIGNMENT';                \
+} > $@
+$(obj)/%.dtb.S: $(obj)/%.dtb FORCE
+       $(call if_changed,dt_S_dtb)
+quiet_cmd_dtc = DTC     $@
+cmd_dtc = mkdir -p $(dir ${dtc-tmp}) ; \
+       $(HOSTCC) -E $(dtc_cpp_flags) -x assembler-with-cpp -o $(dtc-tmp) $< ; \
+       $(DTC) -O $(2) -o $@ -b 0 \
+               $(addprefix -i,$(dir $<) $(DTC_INCLUDE)) $(DTC_FLAGS) \
+               -d $(depfile).dtc.tmp $(dtc-tmp) ; \
+       cat $(depfile).pre.tmp $(depfile).dtc.tmp > $(depfile)
+$(obj)/%.dtb: $(src)/%.dts $(DTC) FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_dep,dtc,dtb)
+DT_CHECKER ?= dt-validate
+DT_BINDING_DIR := Documentation/devicetree/bindings
+DT_TMP_SCHEMA := $(objtree)/$(DT_BINDING_DIR)/processed-schema.yaml
+quiet_cmd_dtb_check =  CHECK   $@
+      cmd_dtb_check =  $(DT_CHECKER) -u $(srctree)/$(DT_BINDING_DIR) -p 
+define rule_dtc_dt_yaml
+       $(call cmd_and_fixdep,dtc,yaml)
+       $(call cmd,dtb_check)
+$(obj)/%.dt.yaml: $(src)/%.dts $(DTC) $(DT_TMP_SCHEMA) FORCE
+       $(call if_changed_rule,dtc_dt_yaml)
+dtc-tmp = $(subst $(comma),_,$(dot-target).dts.tmp)
+# Bzip2
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Bzip2 and LZMA do not include size in file... so we have to fake that;
+# append the size as a 32-bit littleendian number as gzip does.
+size_append = printf $(shell                                           \
+dec_size=0;                                                            \
+for F in $(real-prereqs); do                                   \
+       fsize=$$($(CONFIG_SHELL) $(srctree)/scripts/ $$F);  \
+       dec_size=$$(expr $$dec_size + $$fsize);                         \
+done;                                                                  \
+printf "%08x\n" $$dec_size |                                           \
+       sed 's/\(..\)/\1 /g' | {                                        \
+               read ch0 ch1 ch2 ch3;                                   \
+               for ch in $$ch3 $$ch2 $$ch1 $$ch0; do                   \
+                       printf '%s%03o' '\\' $$((0x$$ch));              \
+               done;                                                   \
+       }                                                               \
+quiet_cmd_bzip2 = BZIP2   $@
+      cmd_bzip2 = { cat $(real-prereqs) | bzip2 -9; $(size_append); } > $@
+# Lzma
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+quiet_cmd_lzma = LZMA    $@
+      cmd_lzma = { cat $(real-prereqs) | lzma -9; $(size_append); } > $@
+quiet_cmd_lzo = LZO     $@
+      cmd_lzo = { cat $(real-prereqs) | lzop -9; $(size_append); } > $@
+quiet_cmd_lz4 = LZ4     $@
+      cmd_lz4 = { cat $(real-prereqs) | lz4c -l -c1 stdin stdout; \
+                  $(size_append); } > $@
+# U-Boot mkimage
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MKIMAGE := $(srctree)/scripts/
+# SRCARCH just happens to match slightly more than ARCH (on sparc), so reduces
+# the number of overrides in arch makefiles
+UIMAGE_COMPRESSION ?= $(if $(2),$(2),none)
+UIMAGE_TYPE ?= kernel
+UIMAGE_LOADADDR ?= arch_must_set_this
+quiet_cmd_uimage = UIMAGE  $@
+      cmd_uimage = $(CONFIG_SHELL) $(MKIMAGE) -A $(UIMAGE_ARCH) -O linux \
+                       -C $(UIMAGE_COMPRESSION) $(UIMAGE_OPTS-y) \
+                       -T $(UIMAGE_TYPE) \
+                       -a $(UIMAGE_LOADADDR) -e $(UIMAGE_ENTRYADDR) \
+                       -n $(UIMAGE_NAME) -d $< $@
+# XZ
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Use xzkern to compress the kernel image and xzmisc to compress other things.
+# xzkern uses a big LZMA2 dictionary since it doesn't increase memory usage
+# of the kernel decompressor. A BCJ filter is used if it is available for
+# the target architecture. xzkern also appends uncompressed size of the data
+# using size_append. The .xz format has the size information available at
+# the end of the file too, but it's in more complex format and it's good to
+# avoid changing the part of the boot code that reads the uncompressed size.
+# Note that the bytes added by size_append will make the xz tool think that
+# the file is corrupt. This is expected.
+# xzmisc doesn't use size_append, so it can be used to create normal .xz
+# files. xzmisc uses smaller LZMA2 dictionary than xzkern, because a very
+# big dictionary would increase the memory usage too much in the multi-call
+# decompression mode. A BCJ filter isn't used either.
+quiet_cmd_xzkern = XZKERN  $@
+      cmd_xzkern = { cat $(real-prereqs) | sh $(srctree)/scripts/; \
+                     $(size_append); } > $@
+quiet_cmd_xzmisc = XZMISC  $@
+      cmd_xzmisc = cat $(real-prereqs) | xz --check=crc32 --lzma2=dict=1MiB > 
+# ASM offsets
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Default sed regexp - multiline due to syntax constraints
+# Use [:space:] because LLVM's integrated assembler inserts <tab> around
+# the .ascii directive whereas GCC keeps the <space> as-is.
+define sed-offsets
+       's:^[[:space:]]*\.ascii[[:space:]]*"\(.*\)".*:\1:; \
+       /^->/{s:->#\(.*\):/* \1 */:; \
+       s:^->\([^ ]*\) [\$$#]*\([^ ]*\) \(.*\):#define \1 \2 /* \3 */:; \
+       s:->::; p;}'
+# Use filechk to avoid rebuilds when a header changes, but the resulting file
+# does not
+define filechk_offsets
+        echo "#ifndef $2"; \
+        echo "#define $2"; \
+        echo "/*"; \
+        echo " * DO NOT MODIFY."; \
+        echo " *"; \
+        echo " * This file was generated by Kbuild"; \
+        echo " */"; \
+        echo ""; \
+        sed -ne $(sed-offsets) < $<; \
+        echo ""; \
+        echo "#endif"
diff --git a/xen/scripts/Makefile.ubsan b/xen/scripts/Makefile.ubsan
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..019771b845c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/Makefile.ubsan
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+      CFLAGS_UBSAN += $(call cc-option, -fsanitize=shift)
+      CFLAGS_UBSAN += $(call cc-option, -fsanitize=integer-divide-by-zero)
+      CFLAGS_UBSAN += $(call cc-option, -fsanitize=unreachable)
+      CFLAGS_UBSAN += $(call cc-option, -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow)
+      CFLAGS_UBSAN += $(call cc-option, -fsanitize=bounds)
+      CFLAGS_UBSAN += $(call cc-option, -fsanitize=object-size)
+      CFLAGS_UBSAN += $(call cc-option, -fsanitize=bool)
+      CFLAGS_UBSAN += $(call cc-option, -fsanitize=enum)
+      CFLAGS_UBSAN += $(call cc-option, -fsanitize=alignment)
+      # -fsanitize=* options makes GCC less smart than usual and
+      # increase number of 'maybe-uninitialized false-positives
+      CFLAGS_UBSAN += $(call cc-option, -Wno-maybe-uninitialized)
diff --git a/xen/scripts/basic/.gitignore b/xen/scripts/basic/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a776371a3502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/basic/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/xen/scripts/basic/Makefile b/xen/scripts/basic/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..548aeb592806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/basic/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# This Makefile lists the most basic programs used during the build process.
+# The programs listed herein are what are needed to do the basic stuff,
+# such as fix file dependencies.
+# This initial step is needed to avoid files to be recompiled
+# when kernel configuration changes (which is what happens when
+# .config is included by main Makefile.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# fixdep:       Used to generate dependency information during build process
+hostprogs-y    := fixdep
+always         := $(hostprogs-y)
+# fixdep is needed to compile other host programs
+$(addprefix $(obj)/,$(filter-out fixdep,$(always))): $(obj)/fixdep
diff --git a/xen/scripts/basic/fixdep.c b/xen/scripts/basic/fixdep.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9ba47b0a47b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/basic/fixdep.c
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+ * "Optimize" a list of dependencies as spit out by gcc -MD
+ * for the kernel build
+ * ===========================================================================
+ *
+ * Author       Kai Germaschewski
+ * Copyright    2002 by Kai Germaschewski  <>
+ *
+ * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
+ *
+ *
+ * Introduction:
+ *
+ * gcc produces a very nice and correct list of dependencies which
+ * tells make when to remake a file.
+ *
+ * To use this list as-is however has the drawback that virtually
+ * every file in the kernel includes autoconf.h.
+ *
+ * If the user re-runs make *config, autoconf.h will be
+ * regenerated.  make notices that and will rebuild every file which
+ * includes autoconf.h, i.e. basically all files. This is extremely
+ * annoying if the user just changed CONFIG_HIS_DRIVER from n to m.
+ *
+ * So we play the same trick that "mkdep" played before. We replace
+ * the dependency on autoconf.h by a dependency on every config
+ * option which is mentioned in any of the listed prerequisites.
+ *
+ * kconfig populates a tree in include/config/ with an empty file
+ * for each config symbol and when the configuration is updated
+ * the files representing changed config options are touched
+ * which then let make pick up the changes and the files that use
+ * the config symbols are rebuilt.
+ *
+ * So if the user changes his CONFIG_HIS_DRIVER option, only the objects
+ * which depend on "include/config/his/driver.h" will be rebuilt,
+ * so most likely only his driver ;-)
+ *
+ * The idea above dates, by the way, back to Michael E Chastain, AFAIK.
+ *
+ * So to get dependencies right, there are two issues:
+ * o if any of the files the compiler read changed, we need to rebuild
+ * o if the command line given to the compile the file changed, we
+ *   better rebuild as well.
+ *
+ * The former is handled by using the -MD output, the later by saving
+ * the command line used to compile the old object and comparing it
+ * to the one we would now use.
+ *
+ * Again, also this idea is pretty old and has been discussed on
+ * kbuild-devel a long time ago. I don't have a sensibly working
+ * internet connection right now, so I rather don't mention names
+ * without double checking.
+ *
+ * This code here has been based partially based on mkdep.c, which
+ * says the following about its history:
+ *
+ *   Copyright abandoned, Michael Chastain, <>.
+ *   This is a C version of by Werner Almesberger.
+ *
+ *
+ * It is invoked as
+ *
+ *   fixdep <depfile> <target> <cmdline>
+ *
+ * and will read the dependency file <depfile>
+ *
+ * The transformed dependency snipped is written to stdout.
+ *
+ * It first generates a line
+ *
+ *   cmd_<target> = <cmdline>
+ *
+ * and then basically copies the .<target>.d file to stdout, in the
+ * process filtering out the dependency on autoconf.h and adding
+ * dependencies on include/config/my/option.h for every
+ * CONFIG_MY_OPTION encountered in any of the prerequisites.
+ *
+ * It will also filter out all the dependencies on *.ver. We need
+ * to make sure that the generated version checksum are globally up
+ * to date before even starting the recursive build, so it's too late
+ * at this point anyway.
+ *
+ * We don't even try to really parse the header files, but
+ * merely grep, i.e. if CONFIG_FOO is mentioned in a comment, it will
+ * be picked up as well. It's not a problem with respect to
+ * correctness, since that can only give too many dependencies, thus
+ * we cannot miss a rebuild. Since people tend to not mention totally
+ * unrelated CONFIG_ options all over the place, it's not an
+ * efficiency problem either.
+ *
+ * (Note: it'd be easy to port over the complete mkdep state machine,
+ *  but I don't think the added complexity is worth it)
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+static void usage(void)
+       fprintf(stderr, "Usage: fixdep <depfile> <target> <cmdline>\n");
+       exit(1);
+ * In the intended usage of this program, the stdout is redirected to .*.cmd
+ * files. The return value of printf() and putchar() must be checked to catch
+ * any error, e.g. "No space left on device".
+ */
+static void xprintf(const char *format, ...)
+       va_list ap;
+       int ret;
+       va_start(ap, format);
+       ret = vprintf(format, ap);
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               perror("fixdep");
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       va_end(ap);
+static void xputchar(int c)
+       int ret;
+       ret = putchar(c);
+       if (ret == EOF) {
+               perror("fixdep");
+               exit(1);
+       }
+ * Print out a dependency path from a symbol name
+ */
+static void print_dep(const char *m, int slen, const char *dir)
+       int c, prev_c = '/', i;
+       xprintf("    $(wildcard %s/", dir);
+       for (i = 0; i < slen; i++) {
+               c = m[i];
+               if (c == '_')
+                       c = '/';
+               else
+                       c = tolower(c);
+               if (c != '/' || prev_c != '/')
+                       xputchar(c);
+               prev_c = c;
+       }
+       xprintf(".h) \\\n");
+struct item {
+       struct item     *next;
+       unsigned int    len;
+       unsigned int    hash;
+       char            name[0];
+#define HASHSZ 256
+static struct item *hashtab[HASHSZ];
+static unsigned int strhash(const char *str, unsigned int sz)
+       /* fnv32 hash */
+       unsigned int i, hash = 2166136261U;
+       for (i = 0; i < sz; i++)
+               hash = (hash ^ str[i]) * 0x01000193;
+       return hash;
+ * Lookup a value in the configuration string.
+ */
+static int is_defined_config(const char *name, int len, unsigned int hash)
+       struct item *aux;
+       for (aux = hashtab[hash % HASHSZ]; aux; aux = aux->next) {
+               if (aux->hash == hash && aux->len == len &&
+                   memcmp(aux->name, name, len) == 0)
+                       return 1;
+       }
+       return 0;
+ * Add a new value to the configuration string.
+ */
+static void define_config(const char *name, int len, unsigned int hash)
+       struct item *aux = malloc(sizeof(*aux) + len);
+       if (!aux) {
+               perror("fixdep:malloc");
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       memcpy(aux->name, name, len);
+       aux->len = len;
+       aux->hash = hash;
+       aux->next = hashtab[hash % HASHSZ];
+       hashtab[hash % HASHSZ] = aux;
+ * Record the use of a CONFIG_* word.
+ */
+static void use_config(const char *m, int slen)
+       unsigned int hash = strhash(m, slen);
+       if (is_defined_config(m, slen, hash))
+           return;
+       define_config(m, slen, hash);
+       print_dep(m, slen, "include/config");
+/* test if s ends in sub */
+static int str_ends_with(const char *s, int slen, const char *sub)
+       int sublen = strlen(sub);
+       if (sublen > slen)
+               return 0;
+       return !memcmp(s + slen - sublen, sub, sublen);
+static void parse_config_file(const char *p)
+       const char *q, *r;
+       const char *start = p;
+       while ((p = strstr(p, "CONFIG_"))) {
+               if (p > start && (isalnum(p[-1]) || p[-1] == '_')) {
+                       p += 7;
+                       continue;
+               }
+               p += 7;
+               q = p;
+               while (*q && (isalnum(*q) || *q == '_'))
+                       q++;
+               if (str_ends_with(p, q - p, "_MODULE"))
+                       r = q - 7;
+               else
+                       r = q;
+               if (r > p)
+                       use_config(p, r - p);
+               p = q;
+       }
+static void *read_file(const char *filename)
+       struct stat st;
+       int fd;
+       char *buf;
+       fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
+       if (fd < 0) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "fixdep: error opening file: ");
+               perror(filename);
+               exit(2);
+       }
+       if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "fixdep: error fstat'ing file: ");
+               perror(filename);
+               exit(2);
+       }
+       buf = malloc(st.st_size + 1);
+       if (!buf) {
+               perror("fixdep: malloc");
+               exit(2);
+       }
+       if (read(fd, buf, st.st_size) != st.st_size) {
+               perror("fixdep: read");
+               exit(2);
+       }
+       buf[st.st_size] = '\0';
+       close(fd);
+       return buf;
+/* Ignore certain dependencies */
+static int is_ignored_file(const char *s, int len)
+       return str_ends_with(s, len, "include/generated/autoconf.h") ||
+              str_ends_with(s, len, "include/generated/autoksyms.h") ||
+              str_ends_with(s, len, ".ver");
+ * Important: The below generated source_foo.o and deps_foo.o variable
+ * assignments are parsed not only by make, but also by the rather simple
+ * parser in scripts/mod/sumversion.c.
+ */
+static void parse_dep_file(char *m, const char *target)
+       char *p;
+       int is_last, is_target;
+       int saw_any_target = 0;
+       int is_first_dep = 0;
+       void *buf;
+       while (1) {
+               /* Skip any "white space" */
+               while (*m == ' ' || *m == '\\' || *m == '\n')
+                       m++;
+               if (!*m)
+                       break;
+               /* Find next "white space" */
+               p = m;
+               while (*p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\\' && *p != '\n')
+                       p++;
+               is_last = (*p == '\0');
+               /* Is the token we found a target name? */
+               is_target = (*(p-1) == ':');
+               /* Don't write any target names into the dependency file */
+               if (is_target) {
+                       /* The /next/ file is the first dependency */
+                       is_first_dep = 1;
+               } else if (!is_ignored_file(m, p - m)) {
+                       *p = '\0';
+                       /*
+                        * Do not list the source file as dependency, so that
+                        * kbuild is not confused if a .c file is rewritten
+                        * into .S or vice versa. Storing it in source_* is
+                        * needed for modpost to compute srcversions.
+                        */
+                       if (is_first_dep) {
+                               /*
+                                * If processing the concatenation of multiple
+                                * dependency files, only process the first
+                                * target name, which will be the original
+                                * source name, and ignore any other target
+                                * names, which will be intermediate temporary
+                                * files.
+                                */
+                               if (!saw_any_target) {
+                                       saw_any_target = 1;
+                                       xprintf("source_%s := %s\n\n",
+                                               target, m);
+                                       xprintf("deps_%s := \\\n", target);
+                               }
+                               is_first_dep = 0;
+                       } else {
+                               xprintf("  %s \\\n", m);
+                       }
+                       buf = read_file(m);
+                       parse_config_file(buf);
+                       free(buf);
+               }
+               if (is_last)
+                       break;
+               /*
+                * Start searching for next token immediately after the first
+                * "whitespace" character that follows this token.
+                */
+               m = p + 1;
+       }
+       if (!saw_any_target) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "fixdep: parse error; no targets found\n");
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       xprintf("\n%s: $(deps_%s)\n\n", target, target);
+       xprintf("$(deps_%s):\n", target);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+       const char *depfile, *target, *cmdline;
+       void *buf;
+       if (argc != 4)
+               usage();
+       depfile = argv[1];
+       target = argv[2];
+       cmdline = argv[3];
+       xprintf("cmd_%s := %s\n\n", target, cmdline);
+       buf = read_file(depfile);
+       parse_dep_file(buf, target);
+       free(buf);
+       return 0;
diff --git a/xen/scripts/mkmakefile b/xen/scripts/mkmakefile
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..4d0faebb1719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/scripts/mkmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Generates a small Makefile used in the root of the output
+# directory, to allow make to be started from there.
+# The Makefile also allow for more convinient build of external modules
+# Usage
+# $1 - Kernel src directory
+if [ "${quiet}" != "silent_" ]; then
+       echo "  GEN     Makefile"
+cat << EOF > Makefile
+# Automatically generated by $(realpath $0): don't edit
+include $(realpath $1/Makefile)
Anthony PERARD

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