On 26.02.2025 15:31, Oleksii Kurochko wrote:
> On 2/26/25 2:13 PM, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>> +   - Zen5 support (including new hardware support to mitigate the SRSO
>>>>> +     speculative vulnerability).
>>>> I'd also suggest to qualify Zen5 with AMD.
>>> I thought that it is clear just from the name for a CPU microachitecture: 
>>> Zen5 which
>>> I expect to be develop by AMD. Anyway, if it is really better I will add 
>>> AMD before Zen5.
>>>>    Whether to mention this here
>>>> when I think I backported all the pieces isn't entirely clear to me either.
>>> What is the better place then?
>> The question isn't where to put it, but whether to in the first place.
> Wouldn't it be useful to highlight that Xen now supports the new security 
> feature
> for mitigating SRSO vulnerabilities on AMD Zen5?

I don't know. Thing is what we list here is supposedly new in 4.20. Yet
here we're talking about something that was already backported to older
versions. I'll admit though I didn't check how much of that made it into
any stable release.


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