On 10/03/17 07:34, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> On 09.03.17 at 18:29, <ta...@tklengyel.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 9:56 AM, Jan Beulich <jbeul...@suse.com> wrote:
>>> However - is this interface supposed to be usable by a guest on itself?
>>> Arguably the same question would apply to some of the other sub-ops
>>> too, but anyway.
>> AFAIK the only op the guest would use on itself is
>> HVMOP_altp2m_vcpu_enable_notify.
> Which then means we should move all of them out of here, into a
> suitable domctl. That will in turn reduce the scope of the bogus
> interface versioning, which Andrew did point out, quite a bit.

The original usecase for altp2m was for an entirely in-guest agent,
which is why they got in as hvmops to start with.  I don't think it is
wise to break that.

I think there needs to be slightly finer grain control, identifying
whether a domain may use altp2m, and whether it may configure altp2m
permissions itself.

The nature of altp2m means that using EPTP switching/etc necessarily can
only happen from inside guest context, but whether you trust the domain
to make adjustments to the permissions itself depends on your usecase
and threat model.


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