On 03/13/2017 02:40 PM, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> On 13.03.17 at 13:29, <rcojoc...@bitdefender.com> wrote:
>> On 03/13/2017 02:19 PM, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>> I think as long as there's no need for the guest to use an operation
>>> on itself, it should not be a hvmop. After all, if you make it a domctl
>>> now and later find a need for it to be called by the guest, we can
>>> always replace the domctl by a hvmop. If, however, you start out
>>> with a hvmop, we'll be bound to be supporting it virtually forever.
>> Since we're on this point, IMHO the xc_altp2m_ prefixed versions of
>> set_mem_access() and set_mem_access_multi() shouldn't exist at all.
>> Plain xc_set_mem_access() and xc_set_mem_access_multi() (as DOMCTLs)
>> should be enough, as long as we also add the view_id as an
>> extra-parameter, where view ID 0 is (already) the default EPT view.
>> As it stands now, xc_set_mem_access() can do less than
>> xc_altp2m_set_mem_access() in that its view ID is always 0, but more
>> than xc_altp2m_set_mem_access() in that it is able to set more than one
>> page with a single hypercall, while the underlying hypervisor code is
>> the same.
>> Maybe I'm missing something design-wise (obviously if these really do
>> need to be HVMOPs a separate libxc function is required). Maybe the
>> altp2m maintainers have a different view of the matter.
> "altp2m maintainers"? Maintainership is covered by the x86/mm/
> entry afaict, so perhaps you mean the original altp2m authors. In
> any event - you didn't Cc anyone of them.

I've used scripts/get_maintainer.pl on the patch, and CCd everyone in
the output. Consulting the original authors is a very good idea, I've
CCd Ravi Sahita here, perhaps he can help us out.


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