On Fri, Mar 04, 2016 at 04:38:23PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Changlong Xie writes ("[PATCH v11 03/27] tools/libxl: Add back channel to 
> allow migration target send data back"):
> > From: Wen Congyang <we...@cn.fujitsu.com>
> > 
> > In COLO mode, secondary needs to send the following data to primary:
> > 1. In libxl
> >    Secondary sends the following CHECKPOINT_CONTEXT to primary:
> > 2. In libxc
> >    Secondary sends the dirty pfn list to primary
> The overall API approach here seems good to me.
> But, my reading of the code is that this new fd is currently ignored.
> This is, AFAICT, intentional in the non-colo case, and we have no colo
> case yet.
> So I think that this new parameter needs to be slightly better
> documented.  I suggest:
>  * In this patch, add a comment next to it saying "always pass -1".
>  * In the patch were the fd actually starts to do something, change
>     this comment to something more meaningful.
> >  /*
> > + *
> > + * If this is defined, libxl_domain_create_restore()'s API has changed to
> > + * include a send_back_fd param which used for libxl migration back channel
> > + * during COLO.
> > + */
> I have a minor grammar quibble with this.  I would write:
>   "If this is defined, libxl_domain_create_restore()'s API
>    includes the send_back_fd param.  This is used only with
>    COLO, for the libxl migration back channel; other callers
>    should pass -1."
> And, with this definition of the API, I think that the code should
> actually check that -1 is passed.  Personally I would be happy with
> the error case either failing assert() or returning ERROR_INVAL, but
> maybe other maintainers have a specific view.

I have no preference on this issue. Either calling assert or
returning ERROR_INVAL is fine by me.


> Ian.

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