On 06/17/2015 05:50 PM, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> On 17/06/15 08:57, Wen Congyang wrote:
>>> +    /* Queue up reading the body. */
>>>> +    size_t bytes_to_read;
>>>> +
>>>> +    switch (rec_hdr->type) {
>>>> +        /*
>>>> +         * Emulator records want to retain the blob in the pipe, for a 
>>>> further
>>>> +         * datacopier call to move elsewhere.  Just read the emulator 
>>>> header.
>>>> +         */
>> In this case, we should not call ROUNDUP().
>>>> +        bytes_to_read = sizeof(struct libxl_sr_emulator_hdr);
>>>> +        break;
>>>> +
>>>> +    default:
>>>> +        bytes_to_read = rec_hdr->length;
>>>> +        break;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +
>>>> +    bytes_to_read = ROUNDUP(bytes_to_read, REC_ALIGN_ORDER);
>> So, I think it is better to move ROUNDUP to default case.
>> Thanks
>> Wen Congyang
> sizeof(struct libxl_sr_emulator_hdr) is cunningly of the appropriate
> order already.


> I suppose it is probably better to move the roundup into the default
> case and assert() appropriate alignment after the switch()

Do you mean the sub-header must be aligned

Wen Congyang

> ~Andrew
> .

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