On 14/12/2012 11:41, Jeanne Rasata wrote:
[Following up on ticket https://rt.gnu.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=787704]
I'm including Victor hck<correo...@gmail.com>'s translation of http://www.gnu.org/help/evaluation.html in plain text below, since it was unreadable when I forwrded it in attachment, on Monday.
I've uploaded it to our Support Tracker, marked as "Postponed" and with the lowest priority "Wish":
I've written him back to ask that he please look over http://www.gnu.org/server/standards/translations/es/#traducir http://www.gnu.org/server/standards/translations/es/index.html#externo http://www.gnu.org/server/standards/README.translations.html#what before engaging in future translations. I'll tell other people who write in with other translations the same.
Thanks, that is useful. -- Dora Scilipoti GNU Education Team www.gnu.org/education _______________________________________________ Lista de correo www-es-general www-es-general@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/www-es-general