2. I have been messing around trying to learn about resources per Castro's
suggestion. Right now I have something that is working fairly well. I made
the three files a resource and then they are written to the current working
directory of my bootstrapper, so they may be referenced properly. Then they
are removed from the machine when the install finishes. I have one concern
though, what if the user is trying to run the install from a directory that
they do not have write access to? Is there a way to update the reference to
the dll so that i may write them to the users temp folder instead of the
working directory?

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 10:39 AM, Pat O'Shea <pat.d.os...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Tyler,
> I haven't needed to do this, but below is what I am going to try soon.  I
> am
> curious if people agree this is correct and best way to achieve the
> behavior
> you describe.
> I believe your issue with MajorUpgrade is that FindRelatedProducts finds
> all
> the products which have the same upgrade code and passes them to be used
> for
> uninstall.  I believe you need to set WIX_UPGRADE_DETECTED to just the
> produce code you want uninstalled after FindRelatedProducts runs.  Maybe
> you
> just need to use the FindRelatedProducts element in WiX and have it set to
> your product code?
> References on major upgrade:
> Bob's posting -
> http://www.joyofsetup.com/2010/01/16/major-upgrades-now-easier-than-ever/
> Aaron's posting (see comments):
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2008/12/16/9229827.aspx
> I would also search here for "multiple instance" too.
> ~Pat
> 3. Multi-Instance. I am having a problem doing major upgrades. I ran into
> the problem of all instances being uninstalled instead of just the
> specified
>    instance. I learned each instance needs to be part of its own
> upgradecode family, so now each instance transform has its own upgradcode.
> The problem
>    is that I can't figure out now how to search for the specific upgradcode
> code and mark it for uninstallation. I was trying to use the 'Upgrade'
> element,
>    but it doesn't allow for a condition, which is the only way I see it
> working. What have other people done to make multi-instance major upgrades
> work?
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/A-RegistrySearch-question-and-Multi-Instance-questions-tp6251280p6254197.html
> Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Tyler Walters
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