Thanks David

1. You are absolutely right. I completely missed that. Solved! :D

2. It is a bootstrapper that interacts with the msi before executing it. It
is actually a wpf project and I reference the
Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll that is in the wix\bin folder.
Basically I just need to figure out how I can package the three  files into
a single .exe so we are only shipping our customers a single file. However,
it may be that the bootstrapper could actually be a custom action, I don't
know if that would work or not.

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 4:40 AM, David Watson <> wrote:

> 1, I think you may be missing Uninstall from your key path.
> e.g.
> "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\[ProductCode]"
> 2, Not sure what you are aiming at here, dtf is an api that helps you
> access
> the windows installer, did you make a custom action project?
> 3, I've not really done instance transforms, they always seem more trouble
> than they are worth, sorry.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler Walters []
> Sent: 07 April 2011 20:31
> To:
> Subject: [WiX-users] A RegistrySearch question and Multi-Instance
> questions.
>  1. RegistrySearch. I am trying to do a registry search and it is not
> working.
>    <Property Id="USERINSTANCENAME">
>      <RegistrySearch Id="InstanceNameSearch" Root="HKLM"
> Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\[ProductCode]"
> Name="InstanceName" Type="raw" />
>    </Property>
>    Now I thought it was just this simple, but the property is not being
> set. Here is part of the log. (If you need more of the log, let me know).
>    I have gone into the registry and manually verified that the registry
> value is set. This log comes from doing a repair after installing.
> AppSearch: Property: USERINSTANCENAME, Signature: InstanceNameSearch
> MSI (c) (04:D8) [12:14:45:067]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
> MSI (c) (04:D8) [12:14:45:067]: Note: 1: 1402 2:
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\{A53A5F7C-7AF1-4
> 854-9B4F-01A6C77CC4AB}
> 3: 2
> Action ended 12:14:45: AppSearch. Return value 1.
>  2. Multi-Instance. I have a boot strapper that is using
> Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller (or DTF) and when it builds, a dll
> and
> an xml file are created.
>    The problem is that I now have an msi, dll, and xml file that I cannot
> figure out how to package into a single exe. Does anyone have a suggestion
> on how
>    this could be handled.
>  3. Multi-Instance. I am having a problem doing major upgrades. I ran into
> the problem of all instances being uninstalled instead of just the
> specified
>    instance. I learned each instance needs to be part of its own
> upgradecode family, so now each instance transform has its own upgradcode.
> The problem
>    is that I can't figure out now how to search for the specific upgradcode
> code and mark it for uninstallation. I was trying to use the 'Upgrade'
> element,
>    but it doesn't allow for a condition, which is the only way I see it
> working. What have other people done to make multi-instance major upgrades
> work?
> Thanks
> --
> Tyler Walters - Duck Creek Technologies, Inc.
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Tyler Walters
Xperia(TM) PLAY
It's a major breakthrough. An authentic gaming
smartphone on the nation's most reliable network.
And it wants your games.
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