1, I think you may be missing Uninstall from your key path.


2, Not sure what you are aiming at here, dtf is an api that helps you access
the windows installer, did you make a custom action project?

3, I've not really done instance transforms, they always seem more trouble
than they are worth, sorry.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Walters [mailto:tyler.walters...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 07 April 2011 20:31
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] A RegistrySearch question and Multi-Instance questions.

 1. RegistrySearch. I am trying to do a registry search and it is not

    <Property Id="USERINSTANCENAME">
      <RegistrySearch Id="InstanceNameSearch" Root="HKLM"
Name="InstanceName" Type="raw" />

    Now I thought it was just this simple, but the property is not being
set. Here is part of the log. (If you need more of the log, let me know).
    I have gone into the registry and manually verified that the registry
value is set. This log comes from doing a repair after installing.

AppSearch: Property: USERINSTANCENAME, Signature: InstanceNameSearch
MSI (c) (04:D8) [12:14:45:067]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Signature 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (04:D8) [12:14:45:067]: Note: 1: 1402 2:
3: 2
Action ended 12:14:45: AppSearch. Return value 1.

 2. Multi-Instance. I have a boot strapper that is using
Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller (or DTF) and when it builds, a dll and
an xml file are created.
    The problem is that I now have an msi, dll, and xml file that I cannot
figure out how to package into a single exe. Does anyone have a suggestion
on how
    this could be handled.

 3. Multi-Instance. I am having a problem doing major upgrades. I ran into
the problem of all instances being uninstalled instead of just the specified
    instance. I learned each instance needs to be part of its own
upgradecode family, so now each instance transform has its own upgradcode.
The problem
    is that I can't figure out now how to search for the specific upgradcode
code and mark it for uninstallation. I was trying to use the 'Upgrade'
    but it doesn't allow for a condition, which is the only way I see it
working. What have other people done to make multi-instance major upgrades


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