Sorry for the delayed response - The email was in my spam folder and I just
noticed it.

I didn't do a great job of documenting this project. For the first sensor,
I used UDP, not MQTT, though if I have to do maintenance on it, I'll make
the switch. The code is here:
For the outdoor one, I bought a cheap solar panel for power and an adafruit
lithium battery for night time. It's been
reliable for the last five or six years.

I have a daemon running on the PI that's running Weewx. It looks for UDP
data and writes a text file. My bastardized Accurite driver gets the temp
from the file rather than the Accurite station. There's a little logic to
handle stale data. If I was to start over, I would create my own driver
from a copy of the Accurite driver rather than directly edit it - the
reason being is that my driver gets overwritten on every update, so I need
to copy it over afterwards.

I'm doing this just for fun, so I didn't do anything to calibrate it. To be
honest, where I put it in the yard seemed to have more of an effect on the
recorded temperature than any calibration errors we're likely to have.

I did another one for indoors with a display that does use MQTT.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 9:16 AM Alex Vanuxem <> wrote:

> Hi
> How did you build your temp sensor? What is the accuracy?  Very interested
> in this case. How about humidity?
> Thanks
> Op vr 10 jan. 2025 18:09 schreef p q <>:
>> I have an Acurite station, different model. The all in one sensor unit
>> with the rain, wind, and temp measurement is kind of cool, but it doesn't
>> work well, at least for me. I was unable to find a place with clear sky
>> overhead for the rain gauge, clear area around it for the wind gauge, and
>> in the shade for the thermometer. The solar panel and fan doesn't do
>> enough, at least for me in northern California. So, I gave up on the
>> thermometer and mounted it on my roof, where the temperatures are easily 10
>> degrees warmer than ground level or 5 degrees colder on clear nights.
>> To deal with this, I've built my own temperature sensor and mounted it
>> elsewhere and send the data via wifi and MQTT. I hacked the acurite driver
>> to accept this data through overcomplicated means. If I were doing it
>> again, I'd use the MQTT drivers that have been developed since I started.
>> Also, I've also had to replace the rain gauge after 8 years of operation.
>> It's become unreliable. We don't get very much rain here, so it might last
>> longer someplace where it's not sitting for 9 months without any rain and
>> being subject to 115 deg temperatures. I don't fault Acurite for this,
>> things wear out.
>> In terms of the barometer, mine is in the display unit, not the sensor. I
>> have no idea how accurate it is. It appears to track my local airport
>> pretty well. What matters for me is more changes in pressure than the
>> absolute value, so if it's off by a couple of percent, it doesn't bother me.
>> Good luck with it!
>> On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 8:41 AM Chuck Rhode <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Santa Claus brought me a new-in-the-box, really-old-model AcuRite
>>> 02064C to replace an Ambient WS2095 that has been in service at least
>>> seven years.  Both are USB tethered, so I'm confident about my
>>> hardware config, although it's viability remains to be seen.  (The
>>> *weectl device* utility DOES NOT support the AcuRite although there is
>>> a *weewx* driver.)
>>> Both stations are operating.  I've resisted the temptation to try to
>>> switch WeeWX to monitoring the AcuRite because there are discrepancies
>>> between the readings displayed on the indoor consoles.  I don't know
>>> why I expected them to be identical, and I don't know how much
>>> precision to expect.  It may well be that the discrepancies are within
>>> the limits of accuracy for this class of devices.
>>> I report to AWEKAS, CWOP, PWSWeather, WOW, and Wunderground, so I
>>> think I ought to exercise some care with my calibration in order not
>>> to contribute unnecessarily to public perceptions of Anthropogenic
>>> Global Warming (AGW).  In fact I'm motivated to replace the Ambient
>>> station because the wind direction sensor failed in Aug 2023.
>>> >          reading    Ambient       AcuRite      KSBM
>>> > ----------------    ----------    ----------   ---------
>>> >     outdoor temp    26.2°F        26°F         26.1°F
>>> > outdoor humidity    53%           83%          80%
>>> >         pressure    29.24 inHg                 29.84 inHg
>>> >        barometer                  29.56 inHg
>>> Right now the outdoor temp is the same on a cloudy day, but I've seen
>>> the AcuRite 2°F higher and 2°F lower.  It has a small solar panel and
>>> is aspirated, so it may be more reliable.  It's just merely possible
>>> that its humidity is much more nearly correct, too, because it IS
>>> CLOSE to what the Sheboygan, WI, airport is reporting.
>>> According to the WeeWX hardware pages, both stations report "pressure"
>>> so I assume that the contradiction is in the labeling on their
>>> consoles and not in what they think they are measuring.  Again the
>>> AcuRite is more nearly correct, according the airport.  Goodness knows
>>> how the actual altitude differs but it can't be more than a couple
>>> orders of magnitude in feet.
>>> ... so my questions are:
>>> Q1: Is this level of obsession justified?
>>> Q2: Should I attempt any calibration of the AcuRite station?
>>> Q3: Or should I just let it fly without providing any smoothing
>>> between old and new readings?
>>> Q4: Do I need to have youinses change the WeeWX map, or will my
>>> station model populate automagically?
>>> - --
>>> .. Be Seeing You,
>>> .. Chuck Rhode, Sheboygan, WI, USA
>>> .. Weather:
>>> .. 25° — Wind WSW at 7 mph. Sky overcast; light snow; mist.
>>> UkuiAJ434hOrwrf28Y3opzagIUl4MFm0gQCbB+WApkcJSJRg+pCa/Vgu8hiLhHc=
>>> =TNQQ
>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>>> --
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>> Peter Quinn
>> (415)794-2264
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Peter Quinn

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