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Santa Claus brought me a new-in-the-box, really-old-model AcuRite
02064C to replace an Ambient WS2095 that has been in service at least
seven years.  Both are USB tethered, so I'm confident about my
hardware config, although it's viability remains to be seen.  (The
*weectl device* utility DOES NOT support the AcuRite although there is
a *weewx* driver.)

Both stations are operating.  I've resisted the temptation to try to
switch WeeWX to monitoring the AcuRite because there are discrepancies
between the readings displayed on the indoor consoles.  I don't know
why I expected them to be identical, and I don't know how much
precision to expect.  It may well be that the discrepancies are within
the limits of accuracy for this class of devices.

I report to AWEKAS, CWOP, PWSWeather, WOW, and Wunderground, so I
think I ought to exercise some care with my calibration in order not
to contribute unnecessarily to public perceptions of Anthropogenic
Global Warming (AGW).  In fact I'm motivated to replace the Ambient
station because the wind direction sensor failed in Aug 2023.

>          reading    Ambient       AcuRite      KSBM
> ----------------    ----------    ----------   ---------
>     outdoor temp    26.2°F        26°F         26.1°F
> outdoor humidity    53%           83%          80%
>         pressure    29.24 inHg                 29.84 inHg
>        barometer                  29.56 inHg

Right now the outdoor temp is the same on a cloudy day, but I've seen
the AcuRite 2°F higher and 2°F lower.  It has a small solar panel and
is aspirated, so it may be more reliable.  It's just merely possible
that its humidity is much more nearly correct, too, because it IS
CLOSE to what the Sheboygan, WI, airport is reporting.

According to the WeeWX hardware pages, both stations report "pressure"
so I assume that the contradiction is in the labeling on their
consoles and not in what they think they are measuring.  Again the
AcuRite is more nearly correct, according the airport.  Goodness knows
how the actual altitude differs but it can't be more than a couple
orders of magnitude in feet.

... so my questions are:

Q1: Is this level of obsession justified?

Q2: Should I attempt any calibration of the AcuRite station?

Q3: Or should I just let it fly without providing any smoothing
between old and new readings?

Q4: Do I need to have youinses change the WeeWX map, or will my
station model populate automagically?

- -- 
.. Be Seeing You,
.. Chuck Rhode, Sheboygan, WI, USA
.. Weather:  https://LacusVeris.com/Wx
.. 25° — Wind WSW at 7 mph. Sky overcast; light snow; mist.


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