On 4 Aug 2012, at 7:48 AM, Rob_McC <mrmccorm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Still new to python and web2py - sure enjoying it,
> I wonder if this is a good idea?

Using © seems like a good idea, just on i18n grounds. Where did you see &#169; 
preferred? Sounds like advice for really old browsers (using IE4, anyone?). 

I question whether it's worth adding this overhead to every request. How likely 
is it that a design will not be refreshed for enough years to be out of date 
(and in such a case, an old copyright date is probably appropriate).

Finally, there's a legal argument for leaving it alone. The © date is the date 
of first publication, not necessarily the date of the last edit.

And a minor issue: with the server and client in different timezones, this 
logic will show © 2013 for as much as a day at the end of 2012. Easy enough to 
fix (subtract a day, or a month, from now()), but still, it seems to me that 
the best approach is to leave the year static and arrange so that it can be 
updated in one place as appropriate.

> Automatic updating year of (c) notice of footer
> i.e.
> © 2012 Your Company Name
> this is updated to the servers clock, automatically changes to 2013, when it 
> is time.
> Notes:
> I read it is better to use &#169;  rather than &copy;  just as the Welcome 
> app used
> I removed the 
> {{=T('Copyright')}}
> I think the form "© year Your Company Name" is commonly used  (ref: 
> twitter.com and see Google's © notice on web2py google groups). There is no 
> standard format for (c) notices that I know of, and in most jurisdiction, 
> they are optional, as your work is protected from the time you create it - 
> but always a good idea to put on.
> I wasn't sure about the import statement or wether I should place a variable 
> somewhere else, or of there are any drawback of this technique.
> I like this because it is one less string to translate, and one less thing to 
> update each January. Sites with old  (c) notices look stale. 
> Editing file: welcome/views/layout.html
>   <div class="footer">
>     <div class="container">    
>       <div class="sixteen columns">
>         {{block footer}} <!-- this is default footer -->
>         <div class="footer-content clearfix">
>           <div class="copyright">&#169;
> {{
> # adds current year, no updating necessary
> import datetime
> now = datetime.datetime.now()
> =" %d" % now.year
> }}
>           Your Company Name          
>           </div>           
>           <div style="float: right;">
>             <a href="http://www.web2py.com/";>
>             <img style="padding-bottom: 0;" 
> src="{{=URL('static','images/poweredby.png')}}"/>
>             </a>
>           </div>
>         </div>
>         {{end}} 
>       </div>
>     </div><!-- container -->
>   </div><!-- footer -->
> -- 


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