In the forms section:

It is possible to have multiple forms per page, but you must allow web2py to 
distinguish them.
If these are derived by SQLFORM from different tables, then web2py gives them 
different names
automatically; otherwise you need to explicitly give them different form names. 
Here is an example:

def two_forms():
    form1 = FORM(INPUT(_name='name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
    form2 = FORM(INPUT(_name='name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
    if form1.process(formname='form_one').accepted:
        response.flash = 'form one accepted'
    if form2.process(formname='form_two').accepted:
        response.flash = 'form two accepted'
    return dict(form1=form1, form2=form2)

Does it matter at all that both of the forms have the
same NAME attribute?  I would have thought that to be
poor HTML practice.




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