if you have two forms in one page, web2py needs to be able to discriminate which one is being submitted. It does that by using a input type=hidden name=formname.
Massimo On Thursday, 2 August 2012 13:13:10 UTC-5, Toby Shepard wrote: > > In the forms section: > > It is possible to have multiple forms per page, but you must allow web2py > to distinguish them. > If these are derived by SQLFORM from different tables, then web2py gives > them different names > automatically; otherwise you need to explicitly give them different form > names. Here is an example: > > > def two_forms(): > form1 = FORM(INPUT(_name='name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()), > INPUT(_type='submit')) > form2 = FORM(INPUT(_name='name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()), > INPUT(_type='submit')) > if form1.process(formname='form_one').accepted: > response.flash = 'form one accepted' > if form2.process(formname='form_two').accepted: > response.flash = 'form two accepted' > return dict(form1=form1, form2=form2) > > > Does it matter at all that both of the forms have the > same NAME attribute? I would have thought that to be > poor HTML practice. > > Thanks, > > Toby > --