Hi Paolo,

you're quite right about the amount of work needed to spot and properly 
resolve such css collisions. There are quite a few left too... I'm working 
on several projects using Bootstrap and dev web2py, so I needed a tool to 
let me anticipate possible problems.

I made a simple plugin out of it, "Bootstrap Plugin", here is a short 
description and the 
perhaps it'll be useful to you or anyone else.


On Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:45:53 PM UTC+2, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
> @Andrew
> Yes. We could change the file, currently named bootswatch.css, to 
> automatize bootstrap carousel in web2py, but next time, when we will found 
> an incompatibility between bootstrap.min.css and web2py.css, we will have 
> to update again bootswatch.css. I don't think that it's good thing - in 
> this case - to update frequently a web2py file but it's better submit a big 
> patch. We should test all bootstrap's features to correct the eventual 
> collisions with web2py.css
> @LightDot
> Finding every collision between web2py.css and bootstrap.css it's not 
> simple and take much time, but the target will be achieved by testing the 
> bootstrap's features and by removing the collisions that will be meet. On 
> the other hand, it's my opinion that web2py developers didn't want 
> "bootstrapize" (what ugly word!) all our loved framework, but only the 
> topbar.
> Il giorno martedì 19 giugno 2012 21:35:42 UTC+2, Paolo Caruccio ha scritto:
>> I'm building an app for trying carousel feature and I met the same your 
>> issue.
>> My solution (note style statement):
>> <a class="right carousel-control" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next" 
>> style="width:40px;float:none;text-align:center;">&rsaquo;</a>
>> Maybe you should adapt the width to your necessity.
>> The inline css style overwrites the ".right" rule in web2py.css
>> Il giorno martedì 19 giugno 2012 19:25:07 UTC+2, dundee ha scritto:
>>> Hey all,
>>> Anyone trying to use carousel in web2py nightly build?
>>> I used it exactly as stated on the bootstrap web site. However, the 
>>> controls are not rendered properly and I can only the next button works.
>>> The controls are positioned correctly but a big border is around the 
>>> controls.
>>> <a class="carousel-control left" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev">
>>> &lsaquo;</a>
>>> <a class="carousel-control right" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next">
>>> &rsaquo;</a>
>>> I have attached a screenshot.
>>> Thanks.


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