
Yes. We could change the file, currently named bootswatch.css, to 
automatize bootstrap carousel in web2py, but next time, when we will found 
an incompatibility between bootstrap.min.css and web2py.css, we will have 
to update again bootswatch.css. I don't think that it's good thing - in 
this case - to update frequently a web2py file but it's better submit a big 
patch. We should test all bootstrap's features to correct the eventual 
collisions with web2py.css


Finding every collision between web2py.css and bootstrap.css it's not 
simple and take much time, but the target will be achieved by testing the 
bootstrap's features and by removing the collisions that will be meet. On 
the other hand, it's my opinion that web2py developers didn't want 
"bootstrapize" (what ugly word!) all our loved framework, but only the 

Il giorno martedì 19 giugno 2012 21:35:42 UTC+2, Paolo Caruccio ha scritto:
> I'm building an app for trying carousel feature and I met the same your 
> issue.
> My solution (note style statement):
> <a class="right carousel-control" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next" 
> style="width:40px;float:none;text-align:center;">&rsaquo;</a>
> Maybe you should adapt the width to your necessity.
> The inline css style overwrites the ".right" rule in web2py.css
> Il giorno martedì 19 giugno 2012 19:25:07 UTC+2, dundee ha scritto:
>> Hey all,
>> Anyone trying to use carousel in web2py nightly build?
>> I used it exactly as stated on the bootstrap web site. However, the 
>> controls are not rendered properly and I can only the next button works.
>> The controls are positioned correctly but a big border is around the 
>> controls.
>> <a class="carousel-control left" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev">
>> &lsaquo;</a>
>> <a class="carousel-control right" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next">
>> &rsaquo;</a>
>> I have attached a screenshot.
>> Thanks.

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