There was a very recent change from using .icon-chevron-right  to using 
in web2py itself and this might be your issue.

You could test quickly by commenting out the .icon-chevron-right section in 
bootswatch.css. This will affect other things, so just test if it fixes the 
Carousel issue. If it does, I suggest using the dev version of web2py, 
where this is fixed properly.


On Tuesday, June 19, 2012 7:25:07 PM UTC+2, dundee wrote:
> Hey all,
> Anyone trying to use carousel in web2py nightly build?
> I used it exactly as stated on the bootstrap web site. However, the 
> controls are not rendered properly and I can only the next button works.
> The controls are positioned correctly but a big border is around the 
> controls.
> <a class="carousel-control left" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev">
> &lsaquo;</a>
> <a class="carousel-control right" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next">
> &rsaquo;</a>
> I have attached a screenshot.
> Thanks.

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