> outside of the string passed to the message variable in the call to dict 
> my code is exactly the same, I didn't have any luck with the version above 
> this so I coded this instead. As far as the syntax error, I would be happy 
> to know where it is as I can't see it. And yes the trace is pointing to a 
> piece of code that doesn't show in my file.
> non-keyword arg after keyword arg (default.py, line 14)
> and line 14 is the last line of my code that I am showing here. 
> *return dict(message="hello", session.counter)*
Yes, that's the syntax error that several people have now pointed out to 
you. You have passed session.counter to dict() as a non-keyword argument 
(and it only takes keyword arguments, where the argument names become the 
dict keys). You have mis-copied that line from the book -- it should be:

return dict(message="Hello from MyApp", counter=session.counter)


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