You have a syntax error in your code, and the error appears to be reporting 
that syntax error. Are you saying the line number reported in the traceback 
doesn't match up with the actual line number in your code? Can you show the 
full code (so we can count the line numbers) as well as the full traceback?


On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 12:00:06 PM UTC-4, Gerald Klein wrote:
> All  suggestions that I will check out, but this is actually character for 
> character from the web2py site. I guess that's why I am scratching my head. 
> That and the fact that the debug references text that is not on the page. I 
> am always leery of platforms that do a lot for you, sometimes you give up 
> control of important aspects. It points to a line of code that is in my 
> file and not a dynamically generated platform file. 
> but thanks I will check these suggestions out and see what gives.
> --jerry
> On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 7:56:30 AM UTC-5, Gerald Klein wrote:
>> I am working through the tutorial on the web2py site, checking web2py out 
>> and I keep getting errors for things I can't see. Like 
>> type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'> non-keyword arg after keyword arg 
>> (, line 14)
>> That code does not exist on the page. The prior code is:
>> *def index():**    session.counter = (session.counter or 0) + 1**    
>> return dict(message="hello", session.counter)*
>> the last line is line 14? 
>> Does anyone have an idea of what this is?
>> thanks 
>> --jerry

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