I'm sorry if my question is lame, but I seem to get this error on execution: define_tables() got an unexpected keyword argument 'signature'
Maybe you could suugest what I'm doing wrong? Many thanx On Friday, May 4, 2012 7:11:20 AM UTC+3, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > > This is what I have so far. > > https://github.com/mdipierro/w2cms > > requires beautifulsoup > > still requires some work, specifically testing and usability. In order to > edit-in-place you must click on the text then edit it. If you cut and part > a link to you a youtube page, it will embed the video. If you cut and paste > a link to an image, it will embed the image. Same for audio, video, flickr > pages, etc. > > The download of remote pages mostly works but if they use an old version > of jQuery, it may break the page and the ability to edit it. > > If you edit raw html for a page and add a class "editable" to one or more > elements, only those elements will be editable, not the entire page. > > It lack a way to create groups and join groups. It only creates a group > per person (same name as username) and "virtual" group "everybody". > > There are lots of small details which I have not explained because I am > not sure myself this works as I want or that I know how I want it to work. > >