This is what I have so far.
requires beautifulsoup still requires some work, specifically testing and usability. In order to edit-in-place you must click on the text then edit it. If you cut and part a link to you a youtube page, it will embed the video. If you cut and paste a link to an image, it will embed the image. Same for audio, video, flickr pages, etc. The download of remote pages mostly works but if they use an old version of jQuery, it may break the page and the ability to edit it. If you edit raw html for a page and add a class "editable" to one or more elements, only those elements will be editable, not the entire page. It lack a way to create groups and join groups. It only creates a group per person (same name as username) and "virtual" group "everybody". There are lots of small details which I have not explained because I am not sure myself this works as I want or that I know how I want it to work.