If you can find it that is all we need. Would help a lot.

On Thursday, 3 May 2012 12:08:17 UTC-5, Ross Peoples wrote:
> Looking at the "better" version of that you just added to trunk, this is 
> pretty cool!
> I also looked at bluePen editor. That is very cool and looks like 
> something I did once using jQuery UI components. I can't seem to find the 
> code I wrote for it. It was a proof-of-concept that didn't really go 
> anywhere. But the way it worked was you would mark DIV tags with a 
> 'editable' class (or whatever you want to call it) and when the DIV was 
> double-clicked, it opened a CSS editing dialog that gave options to change 
> colors, borders, and rounding.
> When saved, it would send an AJAX request with the CSS that changed and 
> the next time the DIV was rendered, the CSS was injected. This way you 
> could still use a style.css to style the whole site, but use the CSS editor 
> to override some of the attributes for the one DIV. I don't know if this is 
> the behavior you are looking for, but it's totally possible.
> On Thursday, May 3, 2012 12:16:57 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Another piece of the puzzle is in trunk
>> gluon/contrib/autolinks.py

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