To me the issue is not flexibility vs ease of use.

To me the issue is storing layout info (html) or storing a more abstract 
representation (wiki syntax).

In both cases one can embed higher level components. In the former case it 
is easier for users (wysiwyg) and it can made it work with any theme, but 
changing theme a posteriori becomes difficult. In the letter case it easy 
to change theme but building themes requires technical expertise.

For personal use I prefer the latter option. I make my own themes and stick 
to them. Yet as a CMS for others the latter option cannot win because we 
would never have enough themes to compete with others.


On Monday, 23 April 2012 08:25:56 UTC-5, mcm wrote:
> I think one of the key point about a good CMS is having a way to mix
> ready made components with custom layout and presentation.
> Allow as much reuse as possible with much freedom.  There should be a
> way to apply themes, but their functionality should not go much beyond
> But above above presentation a good CMS should have a good publication
> work flow, customizable to some extent.
> IMHO here too many degrees of freedom are not good for spreading a
> CMS.  A take it or leave it approach is often successful with CMSs.
> Here simplicity should come before flexibility.
> mic
> Il 23 aprile 2012 13:22, Gour <> ha scritto:
> > On Sun, 22 Apr 2012 15:58:01 -0700 (PDT)
> > Massimo Di Pierro
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >> It brings the wordpress way of editing pages to the extreme. It
> >> allows you to edit the entire page in place. Any page. There are
> >> buttons to insert links, images, bold, italic, ul, ol, toggle between
> >> wysiwyg and html, save, and redirect to a readonly version of the
> >> same page. Should work with all browsers.
> >
> > Do you believe that such approach is feasible for editing the whole web
> > site?
> >
> >> I think we could build a good CMS by combining 4 pieces:
> >> - this js library
> >> - db.define_table('page',....) to store pages
> >> - db.define_table('document',...) to store document
> >> - a new plugin that allows tagging and setting permissions on any
> >> page/document (I have already built this piece but I need to make it
> >> more general, will release it soon).
> >
> > I'll try it asap, but wonder whether such solution does scale and is
> > appropriate for larger web sites which require more in-advance planning
> > of themes, page structure etc.?
> >
> > To me, having, like C5, ability to (easily) design the theme for the
> > whole web site, along with few page types (hompage, left/right sidebar,
> > 2/3/4 columns etc.) and being able to combine different
> > content-type-blocks (are web2py's widgets in the same league) which can
> > be easily developed, would be all we need.
> >
> > How does the above fit in such schema?
> >
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Gour
> >
> >
> > --
> > Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember
> > all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the enemy!
> >
> > | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

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