Let's say we want to build a new kick-ass CMS.

My technical side tells me that the best way it to use markup language and 
separate data from presentation (which allows swapping of themes).

My practical side tells is is better to allow users to edit html.

Everytime I has worked with end-users I had a hard time explaining this 
concept of separation of data from presentation. They usually want a page 
tat looks like "that page" but the ability to edit all text and images in 

Most CMS's (like concrete CMS) solve the problem by a compromise. You can 
only edit specific parts of  a page (and they must be clearly tag in the 
HTML). This allows some separation because as long as two themes have the 
same editable tags, the content it portable between the themes. Yet if they 
use a wysiwyg the editable blocks are stored as HTML. Moreover creating 
themes requires some programming skills and make the themes CMS specific. 
In the case of Concrete5 or Joomla for example, this tagging is done in PHP.

So what is better?
1) using a markup language with limited choice of themes (like wikipedia)
2) using wysiwyg to edit fixed sections in themes (like joomla and 
3) using fully editable html with no limitation on themes (any existing 
page would be a theme without need for tweaking) yet one would not be able 
to swap a theme on a page without loss of content, any more you can swap 
the theme on a msworld document.


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