On Apr 22, 2012, at 9:24 AM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Let's say we want to build a new kick-ass CMS.
> My technical side tells me that the best way it to use markup language and 
> separate data from presentation (which allows swapping of themes).
> My practical side tells is is better to allow users to edit html.
> Everytime I has worked with end-users I had a hard time explaining this 
> concept of separation of data from presentation. They usually want a page tat 
> looks like "that page" but the ability to edit all text and images in it.
> Most CMS's (like concrete CMS) solve the problem by a compromise. You can 
> only edit specific parts of  a page (and they must be clearly tag in the 
> HTML). This allows some separation because as long as two themes have the 
> same editable tags, the content it portable between the themes. Yet if they 
> use a wysiwyg the editable blocks are stored as HTML. Moreover creating 
> themes requires some programming skills and make the themes CMS specific. In 
> the case of Concrete5 or Joomla for example, this tagging is done in PHP.
> So what is better?
> 1) using a markup language with limited choice of themes (like wikipedia)
> 2) using wysiwyg to edit fixed sections in themes (like joomla and concrete5)
> 3) using fully editable html with no limitation on themes (any existing page 
> would be a theme without need for tweaking) yet one would not be able to swap 
> a theme on a page without loss of content, any more you can swap the theme on 
> a msworld document.

WordPress has evolved a pretty good html editor that lets you flip back & forth 
between WSIWYG and raw html.

I built a site a while ago with Expression Engine (a commercial equivalent to 
Drupal/Joomla). I don't recall every detail, but I think they took the approach 
that the page designer could designate on a field-by-field basis how input 
would be interpreted: plain text, html, or some other filter.

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