I'm not sure if looking at the problem of license from the business point 
of view is reasonable. If Bruno's goal was to make the business people 
happy, he would put his software into the public domain. But I'm guessing 
he is more interested in getting some help from others and maybe building a 
small community around the project. In my opinion this works best when code 
is collectively own and protected from abuse (e.g. proprietary forks).

The assumed connection between the number of users and a scale of 
contributions does not sound right to me. Depending on the chosen license 
there would be different number and type of contributions. Non-copyleft 
license doesn't encourage contribution, it encourages the use. The code can 
be taken by everyone who will leave an attribution note for exchange, but 
usually not more than that. Unless the rate of development of the project 
is very high, the business would always prefer to fork a project and 
maintain proprietary changes on their own, over a struggle with upstream 
integration. Copyleft license encourages the contribution, as it protects 
the code from being abused, so no risk of being taken advantage of and more 
likely that some developers will join you. On the users side, however, it 
scares of "the integrators", people who have a number of different pieces 
of code that they don't want to or can't release as a free software.

The question that remains is if the copyleft licenses can be used by 
business at all? Let's limit the discussion to the most common case of 
"customizers", people who adapt software to the needs of their clients 
(e.g. making extensions or plugins) or use it to build custom products 
(e.g. websites). Now, we need to remember that when the work is being 
released, the license is between the business and its client. Not between 
the business and the entire world. So the freedoms of the software are 
granted to the client only and it is up to him to decide if he wants to 
distribute the software any further. If he does, only then he will be 
bounded by the copyleft clause to do it on the same terms. It doesn't 
matter if it is AGPL, GPL, LGPL or BSD, the effect here is the same. The 
only difference is the case of deploying the software on a server, which 
according to AGPL is a form of distribution and would require making the 
source code available upon request. However, in practice it is not always a 
concern, e.g. when the target deployment happens in the intranet.

Saying that legal department avoids GPL or AGPL and not saying *why* is not 
very convincing. Argument from authority is not enough. I could agree, that 
AGPL might be not very convincing as it seems to give away for what the 
customer has paid to everyone. However, you have to remember that potential 
competition is still bounded by the same license. They could copy your 
customer's website and to distinguish themselves add some extra features, 
but at the end they will have to release those changes on AGPL too. Now, 
nothing stops your customer from using what they did on his website. I dare 
to say, this would create a fast progressing market with lots of 
competition. Fair competition, without any artificial market barriers. So 
does it make sense to demonise it as bad for bussiness?

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