just following this conversation, is it normal for a newb, to not understand
what are you guys talking about? and to my understanding you are saying that
web2py is an app itself and all we do create different components and deploy
it. and we assign one component as primary or how does this work i mean lets
say i created a web application that is using that calculator so I will just
install that plugin in my web2py and which ever view I want to use i will
use that load command?

I am sorry for sounding stupid.


On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 9:56 AM, Gour-Gadadhara Dasa <g...@atmarama.net>wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Aug 2011 07:38:50 -0700 (PDT)
> Massimo Di Pierro
> <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Some plugins define components (plugin_wiki does) and some do not.
> Interesting...
> > A component is a set of models/views/controller designed to work
> > together.
> > For example consider a web2py file "controllers/plugin_calculator.py"
> > which contains
> >
> > def adder():
> >      form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('a','integer'),Field('b','integer'))
> >      c = (form.vars.a+form.vars.b) if form.accepts(request) else '...'
> >      return DIV(form,'result=',c)
> >
> > The file is the plugin. The function is the component. It is a
> > component because anywhere in your app you can do:
> >
> > {{=LOAD('plugin_calculator','adder',ajax=True)}}
> >
> > and embed the component into any page.
> Thanks a lot for illustration.
> > Typically components are more complex but are used and packaged in the
> same
> > way.
> Ahh...I believe I got it..There are "Component plugins' are plugins that
> define
> components." and that makes difference between 'just plugin'. I'm anxious
> to
> see new version of paper book to buy it asap!!
> Web2py is so well-designed that I'm really impressed. ;)
> Sincerely,
> Gour
> --
> “In the material world, conceptions of good and bad are
> all mental speculations…” (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu)
> http://atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

*-Furqan Rauf*
*Do you love your creator? Love your fellow-beings first. -Prophet Muhammad

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