I don't know anything about Django's reusable apps. I assume it means that you can package an application up and give it to someone as a plugin or appliance or something similar. If that's the case, then web2py already provides this. You can package apps and plugins into w2p files for distribution from the admin interface.
- [web2py] what is web2py equivalent of django's reusabl... Gour-Gadadhara Dasa
- [web2py] Re: what is web2py equivalent of django'... Ross Peoples
- [web2py] Re: what is web2py equivalent of dja... Gour-Gadadhara Dasa
- [web2py] Re: what is web2py equivalent of... Massimo Di Pierro
- [web2py] Re: what is web2py equivalen... Gour-Gadadhara Dasa
- [web2py] Re: what is web2py equi... Massimo Di Pierro
- [web2py] Re: what is web2py ... Gour-Gadadhara Dasa
- Re: [web2py] Re: what is... Furqan Rauf
- [web2py] Re: what is web... Massimo Di Pierro
- Re: [web2py] Re: what is... Furqan Rauf
- [web2py] Re: what is web... Gour-Gadadhara Dasa