PowerTable is being rewriten, for lots of improvements and no
more dependency on SQLTABLE.

By now, in powertable the only out-of-box option for edit is inline editing,
or you can load an IFRAME(CRUD) form in details and edit records there.

Optionally you can use VirtualFields to append new buttons to the table, so
the button will have JavaScript needed to load a modal box or popup passing
its parent TR id attr.

PowerGrid is being very tested and it is going from alpha to beta, the best
option for crud based data grid is PowerGrid.

I am going to release a new version this weekend (

PowerTable rewriten will take one or two months to be ready.


On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 4:41 AM, Will <g2g.gir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I just saw your new pre-alpha plugin PowerGrid and maybe an editing
> button in a separate column like it has would be better, especially if
> an onvalidation=... validator can be applied to the generated form in
> the popup.
> Does PowerTable has the same function included or is in-line editing
> the only 'ready-for-use' editing in the plugin ?

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