Hello, i'm currently tryin to make the Powertable plugin's in-line editing part work and after many tries i'm currently using Bruno Rocha's suggestion in another topic:
Default.py= def editablefunction(): id = request.vars.row_id column = request.vars.column db(db.order_lines.id==id).update(column=value) def index(): unit=auth.user.unit actuel= db(db.orders.unit==auth.user.unit).select(db.orders.ALL, orderby=db.orders.id).last() actuel_lignes = db(db.order_lines.orders==actuel.id).select(db.order_lines.ALL) powerTable = plugins.powerTable powerTable.datasource = actuel_lignes powerTable.dtfeatures['sScrollY'] = '100%' powerTable.dtfeatures['sScrollX'] = '100%' powerTable.virtualfields = None powerTable.headers = 'labels' powerTable.showkeycolumn = False powerTable.dtfeatures['bJQueryUI'] = request.vars.get('jqueryui',True) powerTable.uitheme = request.vars.get('theme','redmond') powerTable.dtfeatures['sPaginationType'] = request.vars.get('pager','full_numbers') # two_button scrolling powerTable.columns = ['order_lines.orders','order_lines.product','order_lines.amount'] powerTable.hiddencolumns = None powerTable.extrajs = dict(autoresize={},tooltip={}, editable={'editablecallback':'URL(default,editablefunction)'}) return dict(unit=unit, archi=archi, actuel=actuel, mois=mois, next=next, actuel_lignes=actuel_lignes, table=powerTable.create()) view= {{=table}} The table displays the selection like it should and shows the right rows, and the records are clickable and become editable, but when i edit a record in the table, the edit isn't saved to my database (db.order_lines, table displays actuel_lines, a selection from that db) and the table cells ( so the records in the database) keep their original values when i edited them. What is missing to make the edits in the table actually update the records in the Db ? Thanks in advance.