On Jul 20, 7:21 am, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote: > try: > > def editablefunction(): > id = request.vars.row_id > column = request.vars.column > db(db.order_lines.id==id).update(column=value) > * db.commit()*
Didn't work. More info: There is a very quick 'Saving' appearing in the edited box right after editing but it displays the old record right afterwards. (1) I tried dropping the editablefunction, making the extrajs part: powerTable.extrajs = dict(autoresize={},tooltip={},editable={}) and then it would display the message 'Field has been edited' like specified in the plugin_powertable.py sample controller. def.editable():return dict(message=T('This Field was edited')) but of course no update (refresh page and old record is back) Using the function you suggested above to replace editable() 's content gave the same reactions as (1)