For security reasons, web2py does not expose the 'uploads' folder to the
user, this folder can be accessed only by the 'download' function.

The best way is to set the upload path pointing to /static not to /upload
and you will have your uploaded files to be served as static files,
bypassing download function.

under /static create a folder called 'picture'

*Go to the table definition and do this:*



You are saying DAL to store uploades files in to that folder under static
and store the ath in the field.

Now in your controller create a function do handle that (different from
download, it is a kind of viewer)

def viewer():
    row = db(

*Now you can fo this:*

http://server/app/default/viewer/3 # record id

then you got redirected to the image (no html page)


you can always refer directly to the image path (not using the viewer
function) but you always need to fetch the picture name from db.

Hope it helps.

Should go on the book?

Bruno Rocha
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On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 6:09 AM, Vinicius Assef <>wrote:

> Hi guys.
> I have a table (called anuncio) with an upload field (called foto), so
> anuncio.foto is my upload field.
> I'm showing and linking it with this piece of code in my view :
>    {{url = URL(c='anuncios',f='download', args=['uploads', anuncio.foto])}}
>    {{=A(IMG(_src=url), _href=url)}}
> My /contollers/ function is the default, as seen
> below:
> def download():
>    return,db)
> When user clicks on this image, browser shows the download dialog,
> asking him/her where to save the image.
> But I'd like to simply show the image, not present the download
> dialog. All these images will be public.
> How I solved it:
> 1) I entered in /myapp/static/images and created a symbolic link
> called 'uploads' pointing to /myapp/uploads.
> 2) In my view, I changed the: {{url = URL(...}} stuff by this: {{url =
> URL(c='static', f='images', args=['uploads', anuncio.foto])}}
> I think this isn't the best choice because I'm pointing URL() to a
> fake controller and function, and I'm counting on an external
> resource: a symbolic link in my filesystem.
> How would be the "web2pythonic" way to do this?
> --
> Vinicius Assef.

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