> mod_clients.py = what for?
> mod_users.py = what for?

It was an example, you can have mod_nameyouwant.py.

and inside you have for example something like this:

class Clients(object):

    def show():
        'show a list of clients'

    def delete():
        'delete ...'

    def add():
        'add ...'

2011/5/1 Stifan Kristi <steve.van.chris...@gmail.com>

> thank you so much for your info, martin, i've already tried and learn from
> powerpack plugins, it's cool but because i'm a newbie in python and web2py,
> so that a lot of things on powerpack that i don't know the function is what
> for?
> pardon me, could you explain about:
> mod_clients.py = what for?
> mod_users.py = what for?
> many thanks before
> On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 7:58 PM, Martín Mulone <mulone.mar...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> In powerpack I have this:
>> config.py (application settings)
>> data.py (all the db definition and menus)
>> main.py (auth, mail, service, registration settings, etc) (this is
>> independant of the app)
>> then I usually do:
>> mod_clients.py
>> mod_users.py
>> mod_someother.py
>> mod_someother2.py
>> I have classes like bruno show, but I don't have db definitions in this
>> classes, instead I have all the db definition in data.py because surely I
>> have link to another tables.
>> Then came the plugins:
>> plugins_xxxx1.py
>> plugins_xxxx2.py
>> plugins_xxxx3.py
>> plugins_xxxx4.py
>> plugins_zindex.py (here the execution order of plugins)
>> 2011/5/1 Stifan Kristi <steve.van.chris...@gmail.com>
>>> i'd like your logic bruno, could you explain about the function, please?
>>> 000_essentials.py = what for?
>>> 100_authdatabase.py = what for?
>>> 200_dbmodel.py = what for?
>>> 300_validators.py = what for?
>>> 400_utilities.py = what for?
>>> 500_preload.py = what for?
>>> thank you so much
>>> On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> My point of views is that in a simple and smaller app this approach is a
>>>> good (may be the only) option.
>>>> I am now running with a different numerical order, using 3 digits
>>>> 000_essentials.py
>>>> 100_authdatabase.py
>>>> 200_dbmodel.py
>>>> 300_validators.py
>>>> 400_utilities.py
>>>> 500_preload.py
>>>> why? because between every model I have 99 empty spaces if I need to
>>>> include some new model without the need to rename all the others.
>>>> But this is a mess if working with a large app, so I tried to create
>>>> classes and methods as:
>>>> class mymodel(object):
>>>>     def define_essentials():
>>>>         db = DAL('.....')
>>>>     def define_auth():
>>>>         auth = Auth(db...)
>>>>     def define_model():
>>>>         db.define_table('mytable',Field(....))
>>>> So I can call mymodel.define_essentials() directly from the controller
>>>> or another main model, why?
>>>> Imagine a large app with many models and many objects loaded in memory
>>>> even if you do not need them.
>>>> But, I think web2py has a good MVC pattern used for controllers and
>>>> views, we are talking about how to have the same approach for model files.
>>>> --
>>>> Bruno Rocha
>>>> [ About me: http://zerp.ly/rochacbruno ]
>>>> On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 12:37 AM, pbreit <pbreitenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I think either way is fine. In a bigger app, you might separate them
>>>>> out.
>>>>> Vinicius, I like that approach.
>> --
>>  http://martin.tecnodoc.com.ar


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