"Twice as fast to code in than Django and four time easier."
Ok ok, it sucks, but it's true!
Let me think... how about:
Productivity by design.
Think about the page not the code!
Releiving finger ache by a factor of 2.
Bringing python and html together.
Framework for productive web applicatons.
Web application framework.
Development to the table.
Power to the python!
There's a party over here!
Truly agile.
MVC to the max!
The sensable MVC framework.
Built with MVC in mind.
Putting the fun back in to coding.

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 1:04 PM, villas <> wrote:

> The web2py tagline is currently: 'Enterprise Web Framework'.
> Massimo agrees that this might be improved and this thread is to
> solicit suggestions.  Ideally suggestions would encapsulate the
> 'spirit' of web2py or stress a feature(s) and simply make it seem more
> attractive to new users.
> As an idea,  here is one suggestion (inspired by Bruno) stressing the
> productivity of web2py:
> ** Web2py - the Framework that gets things done! **

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