On 9 sep, 07:42, salbefe <salb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to deploy web2py with cherokee on a fedora core 13 distro
> but I have several problems on it. I have read  the slice web2py with
> Cherokee via uWSGI: a simple, easy guide that it could be found in
> web2pyslices but this guide is outdated because it seems to be done
> for an older cherokee version than 1.X.X. Current cherokee version is
> 1.0.8
> Some things are not clear to me:
> 1.- For example where should be web2py: on /var/web2py or /var/www/
> web2py. After reading the slice it seems that it should be on /var/
> web2py.

This should not be important, I have it in /home/web2py

> 2.- www-data user does not exist on fedora distro so where it says
> "sudo chown -hR www-data\: /var/web2py" I did "sudo chown -hR root\: /
> var/web2py"
in my case (freebsd), user=www and group=www

> 3.- Its impossible to follow steps E throught G because options
> described there does not exists anymore in cherokee admin interface
> and I could not find other places where they could be.

GUI has changed but little, are looking to see that things are in the
new user interface.

> The same problem with the steps that are on the online book to setup
> cherokee with fastcgi interface. The steps described there should be
> now a bit different to setup web2py with cherokee.

FastCGI is similar to uwsgi. But I think the problem is that the GUI
was changed in Cherokee.

> I need some help, please.

In a few days I can write as I have configured my server, including
screenshots of the new GUI Cherokee


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