Il giorno 09/set/2010, alle ore 12.42, salbefe ha scritto: > Hello, > > I'm trying to deploy web2py with cherokee on a fedora core 13 distro > but I have several problems on it. I have read the slice web2py with > Cherokee via uWSGI: a simple, easy guide that it could be found in > web2pyslices but this guide is outdated because it seems to be done > for an older cherokee version than 1.X.X. Current cherokee version is > 1.0.8 > > Some things are not clear to me: > > 1.- For example where should be web2py: on /var/web2py or /var/www/ > web2py. After reading the slice it seems that it should be on /var/ > web2py. > 2.- www-data user does not exist on fedora distro so where it says > "sudo chown -hR www-data\: /var/web2py" I did "sudo chown -hR root\: / > var/web2py" > 3.- Its impossible to follow steps E throught G because options > described there does not exists anymore in cherokee admin interface > and I could not find other places where they could be. > > After trying to setup following more or less these steps when I point > to http://localhost I always get the cherokee test page. > > > The same problem with the steps that are on the online book to setup > cherokee with fastcgi interface. The steps described there should be > now a bit different to setup web2py with cherokee. > > > I need some help, please. > Thanks in advance! > >
Hi, first of all read the web2py related examples here: choose the one you like and add --http :9090 (or substitute :9090 with whatever port you want) now go to http://localhost:9090 with your webbrowser. If all works well remove the --http option and restart the uwsgi server. Now go to the cherokee admin and map your resource (probably the default one) to the address of your uwsgi server. I suggest you to use TCP sockets instead of UNIX to avoid permission problems. -- Roberto De Ioris JID: