Hello, I'm trying to deploy web2py with cherokee on a fedora core 13 distro but I have several problems on it. I have read the slice web2py with Cherokee via uWSGI: a simple, easy guide that it could be found in web2pyslices but this guide is outdated because it seems to be done for an older cherokee version than 1.X.X. Current cherokee version is 1.0.8
Some things are not clear to me: 1.- For example where should be web2py: on /var/web2py or /var/www/ web2py. After reading the slice it seems that it should be on /var/ web2py. 2.- www-data user does not exist on fedora distro so where it says "sudo chown -hR www-data\: /var/web2py" I did "sudo chown -hR root\: / var/web2py" 3.- Its impossible to follow steps E throught G because options described there does not exists anymore in cherokee admin interface and I could not find other places where they could be. After trying to setup following more or less these steps when I point to http://localhost I always get the cherokee test page. The same problem with the steps that are on the online book to setup cherokee with fastcgi interface. The steps described there should be now a bit different to setup web2py with cherokee. I need some help, please. Thanks in advance!