I used your suggest, without success.
My code:

form = SQLFORM.factory (
                Field('test1','string', widget=mywidget,
                Field('test2','string', widget=mywidget,

def mywidget(field, value):
    _id = '%s_%s' % (field._tablename, field.name)
    _name = field.name
    lst = _funcxxx(value)
    script = SCRIPT(......)
    select = SELECT(
                    _onchange="javascript: getcontent();"
    return DIV(select, script)

form.vars ---> <Storage {'id': 1}> after form.accepts
values of testx are correctly stored in request.vars

Where is my error????

On 13 Giu, 04:04, "mr.freeze" <nat...@freezable.com> wrote:
> Here are some examples that may 
> help:http://www.web2pyslices.com/main/default/search?query=7&criteria=cate...
> As Iceberg says, your widget must have the proper attributes to be
> accepted by form.accepts. I like to render the field using the default
> widget then modify it.  This way I know it has the proper attributes.
> def my_widget(f,v):
>     inp = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget(f,v) #or another depending on
> field
>     scr = SCRIPT('...',_type=''text/javascript')
>     return DIV(inp,scr)
> On Jun 11, 11:47 pm, leone <handja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I coded a widget to use with a Field object.
> > Because I need some javascript actions i wrote pure html-javascript
> > code that my widget returns.
> > It runs, but when I accept the form values are in request.vars, but
> > not in form.vars.
> > How can i store values in form.vars without using input widgets
> > defined by  SQLFORM.widgets...?
> > Thanks in advance
> > leone

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