Here are some examples that may help:

As Iceberg says, your widget must have the proper attributes to be
accepted by form.accepts. I like to render the field using the default
widget then modify it.  This way I know it has the proper attributes.

def my_widget(f,v):
    inp = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget(f,v) #or another depending on
    scr = SCRIPT('...',_type=''text/javascript')
    return DIV(inp,scr)

On Jun 11, 11:47 pm, leone <> wrote:
> I coded a widget to use with a Field object.
> Because I need some javascript actions i wrote pure html-javascript
> code that my widget returns.
> It runs, but when I accept the form values are in request.vars, but
> not in form.vars.
> How can i store values in form.vars without using input widgets
> defined by  SQLFORM.widgets...?
> Thanks in advance
> leone

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