Thank for your suggest.
I am amazed because my code SQLFORM contains two fields, only one with
widget that i made.
Observing the result html page code there is no evident difference
between two fields.
Correct id and correct name, but only one exists in form.vars.
I thougth that every input tag existing in form becames form.var, but
apparently it is false.
So, to debug my error, I need know how form.vars are built and where
in web2py code.
Can you suggest where i can address my attenction?

On 13 Giu, 03:44, Iceberg <> wrote:
> On Jun12, 12:47pm, leone <> wrote:
> > I coded a widget to use with a Field object.
> > Because I need some javascript actions i wrote pure html-javascript
> > code that my widget returns.
> > It runs, but when I accept the form values are in request.vars, but
> > not in form.vars.
> > How can i store values in form.vars without using input widgets
> > defined by  SQLFORM.widgets...?
> > Thanks in advance
> > leone
> You'd better let your widget derive from the default widgets, or you
> need to make sure yours contain proper _id and _name etc.
> See also

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