On Mar 19, 2010, at 12:24 AM, mdipierro wrote:

> I played with ez-css (which I like) but yet it reminded why I used
> tables. Here is my problem and I am sure it is just me being dumb. Say
> I want a header, a footer and two columns in between. I want the left
> column of fixed with (a menu, 200px) and a right column to foll the
> rest of the space (content). Because of the way it works (and most of
> these frameworks work the same way), the columns float to right
> therefore I must specifycontent before the menu. Hence I cannot find a
> way to make the menu fixed width and the content fill the rest of the
> space without messing up the alignment of the boxes. Can you do it?

There are several things it's trivial to do with tables that it's impossible or 
insanely difficult to do with CSS. It's beyond me why the CSS box model is so 
screwed up for the kinds of layout we want to do every day.

Here's a simple problem: suppose I have a div, auto-sized to content (say a 
brief line of variable text) nested in another div. I want to center the inner 
div horizontally in the outer div. Near as I can tell, there's no way to do 
that in CSS. Huh?

Or Massimo's layout: header, footer and two or three columns. Make all three 
columns the same height in CSS, where the height is the tallest of the three 
columns, and the columns have different backgrounds, so the height is visible. 
Table? Trivial and portable. CSS? Show me, please.

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