I played with ez-css (which I like) but yet it reminded why I used
tables. Here is my problem and I am sure it is just me being dumb. Say
I want a header, a footer and two columns in between. I want the left
column of fixed with (a menu, 200px) and a right column to foll the
rest of the space (content). Because of the way it works (and most of
these frameworks work the same way), the columns float to right
therefore I must specifycontent before the menu. Hence I cannot find a
way to make the menu fixed width and the content fill the rest of the
space without messing up the alignment of the boxes. Can you do it?


On Mar 18, 11:46 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com>
> On Mar 18, 10:31 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > The problem I see is that it is too simple.
> > sizeXofY does not seem to guarantee that all columns have the same
> > lenght (ez-css does it).
> > I like to have the menu column fixed width and the main column elastic
> > and it does not do that (not sure if ez-css does).
> I have installed ez-css to try out / play with...  it does do fixed
> width + variable width columns:
> In multiple ways, actually (depending on how you nest it);   
> seehttp://www.ez-css.org/layouts
> See module 2A, 2B, layout 2, layout 3, etc....
> Each of these use "ez-50", a 50% width element, or "ez-33", a 33%
> width element.
> ez-css encourages you to create your own width element if the pre-
> defined ones don't "do it" for you - so, create a
> ez-500px, and you'd have what you want.
> This seems like a really clean, easily modifiable and "combinable"
> package...  I'm going to play with it in the next few days to see how
> my opinion holds up in use.
> - Yarko
> > On Mar 18, 8:59 pm, villas <villa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Ez-css seems like a good enough option,  but before making your mind
> > > up, have a look at the simplicity of oocss.org/grids_docs.html (with
> > > Firebug).  Oocss might give more possibilities,  but admittedly, is
> > > heavier.

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