> First of all, I am not sure what is the problem you are trying to
> solve. Even if you have custom forms and you build all the form html
> manually you can still use the existing validation mechanism.

I don't want to use crud or sqlform or any html helper. i build my
forms manually. and actually if you show me how to make validation
with manual forms, it would be good.

> Second, there is a logical problem. Validators are designed to take
> the input as submitted by a web form and not as passed to the input
> function. For example for a IS_DATE a validator expects a "string" in
> the user locale, while input expects a datetime.date object or an ISO
> serialized date.

I didn't get this one. how input expects a datetime object?

> Fourth, this breaks backward compatibility because insert must be
> return a Reference object and 0 if the record was not inserted. If you
> return a non-empty list on error this will may break some of the
> existing apps.

This is correct so I think I can add a validate method before calling
insert in my controller to see if the data is valid. and then i can
call insert.

On Mar 15, 12:11 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> No way. ;-)
> First of all, I am not sure what is the problem you are trying to
> solve. Even if you have custom forms and you build all the form html
> manually you can still use the existing validation mechanism.
> Second, there is a logical problem. Validators are designed to take
> the input as submitted by a web form and not as passed to the input
> function. For example for a IS_DATE a validator expects a "string" in
> the user locale, while input expects a datetime.date object or an ISO
> serialized date.
> Third, this will cause a slow down because some validators require
> database IO to work, therefore this cannot be the default behaviour.
> Fourth, this breaks backward compatibility because insert must be
> return a Reference object and 0 if the record was not inserted. If you
> return a non-empty list on error this will may break some of the
> existing apps.
> You can do, much simply:
> def validate_and_insert(table,**vars):
>       form=SQLFORM(table)
>       form.accepts(vars, formname=None)
>       if not form.errors: return table.insert(**form.vars)
>       return form.errors
> errors =
> validate_and_insert(db.tablename,field1='value1',field2='value2',
> etc.)
> if not errors: .... record was inserted
> Note that table.insert(...) takes form.vars not vars since they are
> not the same.
> Massimo
> On Mar 15, 4:52 am, Mengu <whalb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Currently web2py validation works on CRUD and SQLFORM. But some of us
> > don't use those and build their forms by hand. But when this is the
> > issue we have to validate every input ourselves in the controller
> > which is not nice so I have came up with an idea. I can set an
> > error_message per field object as an addition to requires attribute.
> > Let's say this is our table:
> > db.define_table(
> >     'users',
> >     Field('name'),
> >     Field('email')
> >     )
> > And this is how we can define our requires attribute:
> > db.users.name.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
> > db.users.email.requires = [IS_EMAIL(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,
> > 'users.email')]
> > Now, we can add our error messages like this:
> > db.users.name.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
> > db.users.name.error_message = "Please enter your name"
> > db.users.email.requires = [IS_EMAIL(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,
> > 'users.email')]
> > db.users.email.error_message = ["Given e-mail is not a valid one.",
> > "Sorry, this e-mail already exists in our database"]
> > My patch for object validation is working when the insert method is
> > called. So the following example will return a list of errors:
> > print db.users.insert(name="", email="b...@email")
> > and the return is: ['Please enter your name', 'Given e-mail is not a
> > valid one.']
> > so we can iterate over the errors and show them.
> > you can see my addition 
> > here:http://github.com/mengu/web2py-patches/blob/master/gluon/sql.py#L1888...
> > let me know what you think or if i should follow any other way for
> > this.

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