No way. ;-)

First of all, I am not sure what is the problem you are trying to
solve. Even if you have custom forms and you build all the form html
manually you can still use the existing validation mechanism.

Second, there is a logical problem. Validators are designed to take
the input as submitted by a web form and not as passed to the input
function. For example for a IS_DATE a validator expects a "string" in
the user locale, while input expects a object or an ISO
serialized date.

Third, this will cause a slow down because some validators require
database IO to work, therefore this cannot be the default behaviour.

Fourth, this breaks backward compatibility because insert must be
return a Reference object and 0 if the record was not inserted. If you
return a non-empty list on error this will may break some of the
existing apps.

You can do, much simply:

def validate_and_insert(table,**vars):
      form.accepts(vars, formname=None)
      if not form.errors: return table.insert(**form.vars)
      return form.errors

errors =
if not errors: .... record was inserted

Note that table.insert(...) takes form.vars not vars since they are
not the same.


On Mar 15, 4:52 am, Mengu <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Currently web2py validation works on CRUD and SQLFORM. But some of us
> don't use those and build their forms by hand. But when this is the
> issue we have to validate every input ourselves in the controller
> which is not nice so I have came up with an idea. I can set an
> error_message per field object as an addition to requires attribute.
> Let's say this is our table:
> db.define_table(
>     'users',
>     Field('name'),
>     Field('email')
>     )
> And this is how we can define our requires attribute:
> = [IS_EMAIL(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,
> '')]
> Now, we can add our error messages like this:
> = "Please enter your name"
> = [IS_EMAIL(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,
> '')]
> = ["Given e-mail is not a valid one.",
> "Sorry, this e-mail already exists in our database"]
> My patch for object validation is working when the insert method is
> called. So the following example will return a list of errors:
> print db.users.insert(name="", email="b...@email")
> and the return is: ['Please enter your name', 'Given e-mail is not a
> valid one.']
> so we can iterate over the errors and show them.
> you can see my addition 
> here:
> let me know what you think or if i should follow any other way for
> this.

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