> ... tutorials, short tips, FAQs, discussions ....

Search. The number one key feature is the ability to have intelligent search.

I don't think we need an online book (bad idea). I think we need
something more along the lines of like the django documentation.

A 4 to 5 part tutorial that gets you ready to use web2py in a few
hours, taking you through step by step through installation and
development line by line explaining what everything is doing in great
detail. At the end of the tutorial you have a working application,
like a pastebin or something.

Then detail sections that drill down web2py and break it up between
each of its layers. Sections explaining all of the features and
neuances of web2py. Other sections that refer to common use cases,
such as "Working with AJAX, json objects" that have everything you
would need to know using ajax/json with web2py.

Then we having the mailing list for discussions, alterego for faq,
web2pyslices for short tips.

We're just missing a real "walkthrough" and a real "indepth look" of web2py


On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 10:57 AM, tiago almeida
<tiago.b.alme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why go through all this effort to just replicate what's already available in
> the PDF, to an html format?
> What a website can give, and a book can't, is tutorials, short tips, FAQs,
> discussions etc. Something the wiki could provide if it were open to public
> editing (or the newly created http://webtopy.org/community/ if it gets
> comunity support).
> An online version of the book is, to me, just a bad idea: it won't give any
> extra benefit in relation to the pdf and it will negatively affect the book
> sales (which might be important).
> Just my 2 cent.
> Best Regards,
> Tiago
> ------
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 4:39 PM, villas <villa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 3, 8:58 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
>> > Denes is right.
>> Hi Massimo,
>> Well,  more specifically then:
>> 1. Do you agree that it's a good idea to use the current book to make
>> an online book?  If not, let's forget it.
>> 2. Do you have an opinion on what form the online book should take?
>> e.g. Djanjo, Cakephp, Php.net manual with comments...
>> 3. Income. Will the online book project negatively affects the income
>> from the book. To make sure that this does not lead to a problem,  I
>> propose that you make a suggestion as to how this may be compensated.
>> I suggest alternatives might include adsense,  a subscription model,
>> and donations, etc for access to all the update notes.  Of course,
>> even If the online book became the main place for the documentation to
>> be updated,  you could still sell the paper version. This would be
>> something for you to decide / accept.
>> 4. What format should we use for the text?  (Markdown, please?)
>> 5 .It is important for the domain to belong to Web2py/Massimo.  May I
>> suggest book.web2py.com?
>> 6. No one will take the online book project seriously unless we also
>> think about the roles we would need to fill. There are people in this
>> community with much greater project expertise than I,  so please feel
>> free to dismiss the following.  I am only making suggestions. e.g.
>> - Model Designer.  It is crucial that the data is saved in the most
>> logical way for the future.  This shouldn't be trusted to someone like
>> me!  I vote for you (Massimo),  if you have time.  Part of my
>> reasoning is that you know how to design a workable versioning
>> system :-)
>> - Project Manager.  Allocate tasks (and fire people!),  supervise,
>> coordinate timeline.
>> - Programmers for controllers and views.  Maybe split this into two:
>> Admin and Enduser.
>> - Html, CSS and JQuery effects (optional extra, can come later)
>> - Data Loaders to copy and paste the sections of the book.  I think
>> I'd be good at this one,  if the project manager would have me!
>> Sorry to ask/make these specific questions/suggestions,  but without
>> your support (Massimo),  let's be realistic,  a community effort to
>> produce and support the online book project probably isn't going to
>> happen.
>> Thanks for listening.
>> --D
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